Chapter 9. Down the Mountain and Up Again.

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Chapter 9.

Down the Mountain and Up Again.

"Lynwood, wake up, wake up!" Sofia's voice broke the silence of Lynwood's sleep.

"What do you want, Sofia?" he grumbled.

"The dragon brought over breakfast and you have to cook it."


"The dragon! The dragon from yesterday. We're in his cave and he brought us something to eat."

Lynwood opened his eyes and looked around at the semi dark surroundings of the dragon cave. The events of the past day came flooding back to his memory. "Oh right," he groaned and rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"Come on, Lynwood, I'm hungry, hungry!"

"Have you any idea what time it is?"


"Bother." Lynwood sighed and sat up. "So what sort of animal did the dragon bring?"

"A deer. Come on, get up and cook it, please, please, please!"

"Just a minute, impatient female!"

Rising from the nest, Lynwood stumbled over to the pool to wash his face. Taking a deep breath he stuck his whole head into the water. When he pulled it out, his soaking wet hair stuck to his face and dripped onto his shirt. Giving his head a vigorous shake he sent little droplets in all direction.

"Lynwood," Sofia laughed beside him. "You're getting me all wet!"

"Stay out of my way then," Lynwood laughed back. Getting up, he walked over to the deer that was lying on the ground. "Are you sure we can have some of this Sofia?"

"Of course I'm sure!"

"Okay, let's see if we can try and cook something."

There was a pile of branches in a corner of the cave; Lynwood wondered where they had come from. There had been none the night before. The branches were pretty large, but with the help of his hand and knees he managed to turn them into firewood. After a little effort, and a few more pages from his book, he got a fire going. Then he turned to the deer and began the rather gruesome task of skinning it. It was not easy since all he had was his small hunting knife, but at last he managed to cut some of the meat off and put it on two sharps sticks that he had prepared earlier.

"Sofia," he called when the meat was ready. "Come and eat breakfast."

Sofia crawled over and pounced on her portion of meat, burning her hands and tongue as she greedily ate. Suddenly she stopped and looked at Lynwood.

"You forgot to make some for the dragon," she stated.

"Dragons eat raw meat, Sofia," Lynwood said with a laugh.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure. Now that is a well accepted fact that is very true. Think of it, he's sort of like a bear or a mountain lion, they don't cook their food either."

Sofia, seeing the logic turned her attention back to her meal. Presently the dragon returned and walked over to where the children were sitting.

"Thank you for the breakfast," Lynwood looked up at him. "We've eaten as much as we will need. What do we do with the rest of the carcass?"

The dragon replied by taking the carcass and dragging it out of the cave.

"Why doesn't he eat it?" Sofia whispered.

"Probably because we took all the good meat off of it, or maybe he's already eaten, I don't know, I'm not a dragon."

The children finished their breakfast and then cleaned up the little mess they made. Lynwood glanced over at his sister's ankle.

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