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Luke sat in the front of the small, cluttered classroom, zoning out as the teacher droned on about all of the work that they were going to be given over the two week holiday coming up. This class was the longest of the day, and who did he have to deal with sitting directly behind him? That's right, the person that he hated most in this world, Michael Clifford.

Throughout the whole class, Michael would do ANYTHING to mess with Luke. Currently, it was wadding up pieces of paper and throwing it at his back and his head.


The noise of another paper ball hitting the floor after hitting Luke's back.

Luke had had enough for the day, he turned around, "Can you fucking not, Clifford?" he snapped.

"Ooh feisty, are you like this in bed Hemmings? Oh wait, no one would know, since you're year nines only virgin!" Michael said, him and his friend laughed then fist bumped.

Luke turned back around, not wanting to get a dention and be stuck with Michael another two hours after school, those days were the worst.

The bell rang, and there was a flood of tired, not very well functioning bodies of teenagers that just wanted to go home for the weekend heading towards the door. Luke waited until he was one of the last ones in the classroom, then he got up and headed out to his locker.

"Hey Luke!" a voice in the crowd called, Luke looked over and saw his friend Heather walking towards him.

Heather was a short, firey redhead that always wore a red flannel, even if Luke didn't know what that color looked like, she still told him all about it. She was one of the only people Luke could touch, because she had already found her soulmate.

Heather and Luke always walked each other home, Heather living only ten minutes away from their school, and Luke living about thirty minutes away.

"How was your day today?" Heather asked, looking over at Luke who was biting the side of his thumb, obviously lost in thought.

She waved her hand in front of his face, "helloooo," she said.

"Wait what?" Luke sad, snapping his head back up.

"I asked you how your day was," Heather said, laughing at him.

"Oh, it was okay I guess. The only thing bad about it was that stupid fucking, Michael Clifford,"

"I'm not surprised, anyway, my day was great..." Heather droned on and on, Luke not listening to a second of it. There were always thoughts running around in his head, thoughts he'd never share with anyone else.

"Bye Luke," Heather said, walking to her house.

Luke continued on his way, thinking about everything and anything that could be thought about.

Luke was almost to his house, when he saw two guys wrestling in a yard. He looked over more and saw it was Calum Hood, and Michael Clifford. He sighed, he really liked Calum and he really wanted to be his friend, but he just couldn't be friends with Michael, he hated him way too much.

He thought about something, what if Calum and Michael were soulmates? I mean, they were just wrestling each other and Michael didn't have the gloves he usually wore on, Luke shook his head. He didn't care and didn't need to be thinking about it.

Luke decided that he was way too tired to do any of his work, so he put on a random Blink-182 cd and layed down in his bed, getting some well deserved rest.

COLORS // MUKEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora