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It was a few days later, and Michael couldn't get Luke out of his head. His smile, his eyes, the way it felt being cuddled against him, everything. He didn't know why he didn't just tell Luke his feelings, it was kind of discouraging because Michael knew that Luke didn't return them, but it was always worth a shot.

Luke had been ignoring Michael and Calum, not answering texts calls, even his mum didn't know what was going on with him, she said he had been going out early every day and returning very late. Michael was at the least, worried. 

Holiday was over school was back in, Luke hadn't attended the first day back, but he returned the second day. 

"Michael," Calum said from the outside of Michaels locker. 

"What Calum?" Michael said, rummaging through things trying to find his english book.

"Luke is over there, you should go try to talk to him,"

Michaels head peaked out, his eyes softening when he saw the blonde boy. As they were briefly watching, a girl with dark skin and jet black hair walked up to Luke, he smiled and leaned down to kiss her and Michael felt his heart break. 

"Is that Luke? With Sky Chance?" Calum said.

Luke looked at Michael and smirked, "I have to go," Michael said and ran off. 

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