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Luke woke up with a brain splitting headache, and he definitely wasn't in a happy mood. Luke tried to look around, but he couldn't because he was restrained in someones arm. That someone was Michael. They were in Lukes bedroom on Lukes bed, cuddling. 

Lukes stomach began to hurt, he quickly got up from his bed and ran to the bathroom. Leaning over the toilet, he threw up... a lot. Groaning in pain, he leaned into the wall putting his head into his hands.

What happened last night? Why did I wake up cuddling Michael?  He thought. 

"Uh, hi Luke," someone said from the doorway. Luke looked up and a tired Michael was standing there. 

Luke looked up and glared, and then leaned over and puked one last time, "What are you doing here?" he asked, wiping his mouth.

"Do you not remember anything that happened last night?"

"Uh, no, now why are you in my house?" 

"I think you should just come downstairs, Calum can explain pretty much everything,"


Sitting on the couch, Luke was trying to process the minimal memories he had. He saw the broken guitar, that hurt a lot. He saw the broken glass and his eyes welled up with tears. 

"Hey Luke, how are you doing?" Calum said, walking over, putting his hand on Luke's shoulder. 

"I don't feel good, now can someone explain what the hell happened last night?" 

"You got drunk as hell and threatened to kill yourself. I came over with Michael and that made you angry, so you screamed and smashed a bunch of stuff including your guitar," 

A few tears came to Luke's eyes, "fuck..." he whispered, wiping his eyes. His gaze shifted over to the red haired boy, "Why exactly did I wake up cuddled up to you?"

Michael looked like a deer in the headlights, "Uhh, it was probably a-an accident, o-or you were dreaming!! yeah," 

"Get out of my house, both of you, get out,"

"Luke..." Calum said.

"I SAID GET OUT! And get out of my fucking life too!" 

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