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Luke woke up with a pounding headache and body aches that felt like a milion kives were stabbing him all over, but since it was the last day before holiday, he decided to go to school anyway. He got out of his bed, put on a tight white shirt, and black sweatpants. He grabbed his books and his phone and headphones and headed out the door.

As he walked to school, he looked at his surroundings. The trees, the leaves, the little pond by his house. He longed to see all of these things in their full beauty. He longed to see the colors and every detail they held, but he couldn't until he found his stupid soulmate.

As he reached his school, he looked down at his hands and saw he forgot to wear his gloves, he started to panic, and he thought about just going home for the day, but he decided to just protect his hands in any way he could.

"Hello Luke!" a voice shouted from the crowd. Luke looked back and saw Calum Hood running towards him.

Calum was out of breath by the time he pushed through to Luke, "Hey Luke, I was wondering if you'd sit with me and Michael at lunch today? I really need to talk to you and Michael won't bug you, I promise,"

Luke froze, pretty much wanting to punch this guy in the face, but he gave in.

"Fine, I'll sit with you," he said and walked away to his first class of the day.


Luke neared the end of the last class before lunch, and he coulnd't feel worse. His head was still pounding and his body hurt and felt like he was going to collapse with every breath he took.

"Okay kids, that's it! Have a good break and don't forget to turn in your essays!" the teacher said, then the bell rang. Luke grabbed his bag and his lunch and headed for the table that Michael and Calum usually sit at.

He sat down, and started eating his sandwhich.

"So why did you want Hemmings to sit with us, Calum?" Michael asked his friend as they both sat down with their trays of food.

"I wanted to talk to him about music,"

"Music? This kid obviously doesn't know anything about music, he probably hasn't even touched a guitar in his life,"

Luke huffed, "actually, I've been playing guitar for a couple of years now and I am certanly better than you," Luke got up and walked away, already shaking with anger because of that stupid guy named Michael Clifford.

Luke felt a hand on his shoulder that roughly turned him around, "do you have something to say, Hemmings?" Michael said, holding Luke's collar.

"Get off of me!" Luke yelled and pushed Michael back, and at that very moment, the collar of Michaels shirt shifted down, and Luke's bare hand made contact with Michaels bare collar bone. Skin touching skin.

There was a flash of bright light, and all of the sudden everything was bright and vibrant. Luke shook his head and rubbed his eyes, becoming very overwhelmed, he dropped to the ground and didn't say a word.

Michael was standing there, his hand over his mouth and tears in his eyes.

Michael and Luke could see color.

"This can't be happening," Luke mumbled, "this can't be happening,"

Luke toppled over, his eyes shutting.

"Calum, help me get him to the nurses office!" Michael called, picking up Luke's torso, and Calum taking his legs.

"Michael, what happened, why did Luke faint?" Calum asked, trying to keep a grip on the unconsious body.

"H-he touched my skin Cal... I-i-i can see color, I can see everything,"

"Does that mean y-"

"I don't know what it means Calum, we just have to make sure Luke is okay,"

COLORS // MUKENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ