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double update!!!


Luke got home, and he couldn't cope. He cried, listened to music, wished and pleaded that Michael wasn't his soulmate. Luke had an idea, people who can't cope drink a lot right? That's what he was gonna do. 

He went to the kitchen, opening the cupboard. He grabbed a bottle of who knows what and took a big drink. And another, and another. 

Not really paying attention to what he was doing, he left his house and walked. and walked. and walked. He didn't know where he was walking to, but he didn't really care. He passed shops and stores and homeless people. Mothers and their children, people who have life figured out. 

He didn't know what time it was or even where he was, but he knew he wasn't in the good side of town. Pretty much everywhere he looked there were drunken people going in and out of shifty looking bars and cubs, still being tipsy himself, he began to get paranoid, until someone wrapped their arms around his head and arms and drug him into an alleyway.


Luke didn't know what was happening, his vision was cloudy and all he felt was rough hand on his arm. The man behind him stunk of alcohol. Lukes thought process cleared up as soon as he heard a belt buckle shifting.

"Please no... I don't want this.." he whimpered, he felt the man pulling down his jeans and he began to cry, he didn't want this to happen, he was scared.

"Shut up you little bitch, you do want this," 

"Please stop,"


Michael was walking around town aimlessly, his plan at first was to just find something to distract him, but now he feels like he needs to be there, which is a really weird feeling in his opinion. 

he walked past an alleyway and heard a muffled voice say, "Please stop! Please!" 

Interested, Michael walked closer. He saw a man who looked older, and a younger figure.

"Hey! What are you doing?" he yelled, running up to the two figures.  

The older man quickly pulled up his pants and ran, leaving Luke lying on the ground, cowering in fear.

"Luke? Oh my god..."

"Michael? Is that you?" Luke said through tears. 

"Yeah it's me, are you okay?"

Luke sat up, pulling his pants up, trying to stop shaking. His face turned cold, anger radiated off of his body. 

"What are you doing here? You don't even care about me!"Luke shouted, standing up and almost falling over.

"You're drunk," Michael stated.

"Yeah, so? You were probably drunk when you fucked all of those girls!"

Michael cringed, not use to hearing Luke use that language. 

"Here, let me help get you home okay? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Michael asked, reaching his hand out to Luke.

"I'm fine, I'm not hurt, like you would care anyway,"

Michael wrapped his arm around Luke and began walking in the direction of Luke's house. 


When they arrived, no one was home (not a surprise). Michael walked Luke up to his front door, and let go.

"You know Hemmings, I really fucking hate you," 

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