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Michael ran off, Luke thinks he got what he wanted. 

"Thank you Sky, I hope that worked," Luke said.

"Why can't you just tell him your feelings, instead of trying to make him jealous?"

"I think by making him jealous it will spark any feelings that he has and he'll come to me, but I honestly don't know if he has feelings for me, and it fucking hurts."

"You'll be okay Luke,"


Luke was walking home that day, thinking about what life would be like in the future when some people from school started calling out for Luke a little ways behind him. 

"Hey Hemmings! Wait up!" 

Shocked and a little annoyed, Luke turned around to listen to what the guys had to say. They circled around him, one of them started speaking,

"So Hemmings, someone told us your little secret today,"

"W-What are you talking about?" Luke said, backing up a little. 

"We know that Michael is your soulmate, fucking loser," One of the guys said, grabbing Luke's collar.

"Wait please don't," Luke pleaded, trying to get away.

"Michael doesn't love you, Michael will never love you,"

They guys started punching Luke and he fell to the ground, causing the guys to start kicking him all over. Crying and moaning for help, Luke lied there helpless.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" someone called from across the road. 

Calum ran over, all of the guys ran away and Luke was ready to pass out. 

"Hey Luke, you'll be alright," Calum said, helping Luke up and taking him home.

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