Gift from the King

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Walking down the hallway of the palace, Pyrrah was soon escorted to a room where a door was opened for her and she was allowed to enter a study. On seeing the Dragon King, she bowed lowly to him. "Your Majesty," she whispered to the king. "You sent for me."

"Pyrrah, yes." Callum said, closing a book he'd been flicking through then turned to her. "Thank you for coming. I wanted to congratulate you. I understand you and Soren are now married as well as mated."

"Yes, your Majesty." She said, subconsciously fiddling with her ring. "We are bound in both human and dragon tradition."

Callum gave her a smile. "I'm happy for the both of you. Soren's a good man, and he truly loves you. I'm only sorry that I couldn't make the wedding."

"We saved you a seat in case you could make it," the dragoness said with a smile of her own. "I never thought I would know what love is...let alone find someone who would love me for all I am."

The king sighed and looked out the window of his palace. "I know how you feel. After so long in the dark, Rayla was the light that guided me home. I couldn't think of a life without her."

"Understandable, your Majesty."

He stood in silence for a moment then his wings fluttered a bit. "Have you accepted it?" he asked, still looking out the window.

As if knowing his thoughts, Pyrrah nodded. "I have."

"It's the burden of love like ours. Dragons live for thousands of years. Elves, a few hundred, and humans..." He sighed, rubbing his wrist. "To accept's painful."

"Yes, it is painful. I know it will be when the time comes, and it will hurt." Pyrrah's tail flicked pensively. "I know one day I will wake up, and he will be an old man beside me. But...I will make every moment beside him count. I will remember every laugh, tear, and smile." She touched her chest. "It won't be long, but I will keep him alive in my heart far longer."

The Dragon King stared at her for a moment, then smiled. "That's very brave of you."

"That's... love."

"Indeed," the king nodded in agreement and sighed. "Soren is human. He won't live forever. But...he may live... longer."

Pyrrah took a moment to think over the odd statement then frowned. "What do you mean?"

He turned to his desk where there was a small, locked chest. "There's an ancient spell, passed down through the generations of the royal family. It hasn't been used in thousands of years, since before Sol Regem's reign. The spell's almost forbidden to cast. It's dangerous if used by the wrong people. But...if you are true in your love for Soren, I will give it to you."

"W-What does it do?"

He turned from the chest to face her. "It shares the life force of a dragon with another. It takes your essence and fuses it to the other's life. It does mean you would live a shorter life, but he would live a longer one." Callum smiled softly. "I already cast it on Rayla. It wasn't easy to decide but...I can't imagine living without her."

"W-What about aging?"

"He would age slower, the same way you and I do."

Her eyes turned away. "Why are you telling me this now?"

"One of the spell's criteria is the moment when your Arcanum's power is at its peak. For me, it was a large thunderstorm, but for a sun dragon like's high noon on the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. It's coming in the next few days. At that moment, your Arcanum will be strong enough to cast the spell. But after that, it will be another year before you will have this chance again."

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