Healing Properties

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RK: This sprouted from the idea that dragon saliva has healing properties. Story made this one kinda funny. X3


Soren didn't plan on it. He didn't even know why it happened. But for some reason, the moment he saw Pyrrah that night, he just had to have her. He just grabbed hold and took her to the bed, stripping them both down and proceeding to passionately ravage her.

The pair were sleeping soundly in the captain's quarters, wrapped in each other's arms. They were exhausted, yet blissfully satisfied.

When morning came, Soren was still so happy and content that he didn't bother to wake, ignoring his own mental alarm clock. He knew he had duties to attend to. But right then, he just couldn't be bothered. He was warm, and he had his arms around the beautiful woman who had stolen his heart. He just wanted to stay beside her and sleep the whole day.

The dragoness also had no intention of leaving the bed and her mate, sighing happily in her dreams.

The peace and quiet of their room was disturbed by a knock at the door. "Captain? Captain?"

Soren groaned and rolled over to hold the dragoness, hiding from the noise.

"Captain? Captain are you in there?"

The guard rolled over onto his back, his eyes slowly opening.

"Captain! It's time for morning patrol!"

He was about to tell the speaker to go away when the door opened and a guard stepped in. "Captain?" He paused, then looked over at the bed and saw the pair.

The door opening and new scent had quickly woken Pyrrah, but Soren was a little slower to register what was happening. The intruding guard just swallowed. "Ah, sorry sir. I-I didn't know you were...umm..."

The couple were both giving him a dirty look, so he simply turned away. "I...I will...deal with the morning patrol for you sir."

With that, he turned and left the room, closing the door behind him.

In the bed, Soren sighed and snuggled back up to his dragon, hoping to fall back to sleep again. Pyrrah however, pushed herself up and allowed him to see all her scales and beauty once more. "We should get up. You have work to do."

"He said he can handle it. I can miss one patrol," he told her with a soft smile. "Gods...you're so beautiful."

His mate smiled back, then leant over and kissed him. "Well, you're so adorable," she replied before pulling away. "But you are not the only one with a job to do."

Soren held her arm to stop her from leaving his side. "Come on Pyr, stay a bit longer. We made love all night...Can't we just cuddle all day?

"Oh I would love to Soren, but we both have responsibilities," she chuckled, kissing his hand and pushing off the bed. "Come on, up."

"Bossy dragon," he grumbled, sitting up. However, he suddenly gasped and fell back down, his face twisted in pain.

Instantly, Pyrrah was beside him. "Soren? What's wrong?"

"It's my back," he groaned, reaching behind as best as he could. "I...I think you scratched me last night."

With a light blush, Pyrrah couldn't hide her concern. Soren had a high tolerance for pain. If he was hurt, it wasn't light. "Roll over, let me see."

He managed to roll painfully onto his front so she could see his bare back, and she gulped at the range of crisscrossing claw marks. "Oh Soren...I'm sorry."

Oddly, he just chuckled. "Pyr, I'm fine. I love it when you use your claws...I think one of them just...went a little too deep."

"Yeah, this one." She touched one raked right through the middle. It was much darker in colour than the others, and it was slightly swollen with flecks of blood. She looked down at it, then leant over and nuzzled his face over his shoulder. "Keep still. This may sting a little."

Soren kept as still as he could, feeling her move down his back and something wet trailing her movements. It did sting, but he found himself chuckling again. "Are...are you licking them?" he asked with amusement.

A confirming sound came from the dragoness as she worked to gently licked the scratch before pulling away. "Dragon saliva has healing properties."

Soren smiled into the pillow he was resting on. "Woah...I feel a little...groggy."

"It also acts as a bit of an anesthetic," she added as she brushed his hair back.

He chuckled, his eyes somewhat glazed over. "I feel good," he giggled foolishly. "Everything is fuzzy."

"Maybe I overdid it," Pyrrah muttered to herself as he rolled onto his back, grinning like a lunatic. Somehow, he managed to lift his hand and tap her on the nose with a 'boop'.

Seeing he was no longer in any condition to leave, the dragoness decided to stay and look after him, pulling the cover up around them both and snuggling him once more. One day in bed wouldn't hurt.

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