"Sensitive" Subject

502 15 5

RK: Oof...with Story's big brain, I finally got this out of my files.  I'm so out of it right now. Yikes.


"Hey, Ears! You free for a bit?"

Rayla rolled her eyes as she turned to the human. "Soren, you do know I'm the queen of Xadia now. It's not really suitable to call me 'ears'."

"Ah come on." He smiled playfully as he stood beside her. "You know you like it. Anyway, I wanted to ask you something about dragons..."

"Uh, you'd probably want to ask Callum about it then."

"N-Not really, it's a bit of a..." He blushed and scratched at his neck. "It's a bit of a sensitive question..."

"Oh?" She smirked, approaching a door in the hallway. "Come on in."

They stepped inside a large meeting space and Rayla closed the door before leaning casually on the wall. "So...what do you want to ask?"

"Well, last week I was...um...messing with Pyrrah...and I...uh...rubbed her back."


"And I brushed this spot, here I think?" He turned to the side and pressed the bottom of his spine. "It was near the base of her tail."

Rayla just smiled knowingly. "Ahh, I see."

"Yeah, she just...went stiff and pushed me away. I wondered if I had hurt her..."

Rayla burst out laughing. "If Pyrrah is anything like Callum, it certainly didn't hurt." She grinned and rubbed her brow. "The base of the tail is a very sensitive spot for dragons. All I have to do is give Callum a bit of a scratch and squeeze and he just melts. Great way to relax him when he's too tense."

"Oh, really?" he questioned with a smile before it quickly faded. "But...why did Pyrrah push me away then?"

The elf shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know for sure...but my guess would be that she's embarrassed. You know her Soren. She's your wife. You know she doesn't like to reveal her weaknesses."

Sighing, he nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're probably right."

"But now that you know, if you confront her about it, she might let you do it again." She smirked, giving the man a knowing look. "Callum was quite timid about it at first, but I convinced him otherwise."

"I-I might do that," he said with a tint of blush, "Thanks Rayla."

Chuckling, she gave the blond a pat on the arm. "Let me know how it goes."


Soren was in his and Pyrrah's quarters, doing clap push-ups on the floor as the sun proceeded to set outside the window. Pyrrah would be returning soon from her sky patrol, so he figured he'd pass some of the time refining his strength.

He was at number one-hundred-ninety-six before the dragoness finally entered through the door. She ran her talons through her hair, smoothing it out. "Oh, there you are. I was wondering where you were. Checked the training yard, but I guess our room works just as well." She rolled her eyes in partial amusement.

"Yeah, just doing some push ups. You know, keeping it crispy."

Pyrrah shook her head as she walked over to the small table, pouring herself a drink. "Right, if you say so."

Watching her, the blond eventually stood up and stepped over. "The thing is I...I wanted to talk to you...and I knew you'd be here after your duties."

"Okay, so what did you want to talk about?"

"Well...it's about the other day."

She stared at him from the corner of her eye as she stopped halfway up her drink. "Go on?"

"You know when I rubbed your back?...And you went all...umm... " He coughed into his hand. "Well, you pushed me away."

"Yes, I remember."

"I spoke to Rayla about it and-"

"You did WHAT?!" she snapped suddenly, blushing a bright red at the idea of Xadia's queen knowing what had happened.

He gulped and held his hands up defensively. "I was worried I'd done something to hurt you! So I figured she'd know better. But...she told me that...well...it was actually a nice experience...or...it should be."

Pyrrah swallowed and looked away from him. "Well...yeah...it is."

"And I wanted to...well...ask if you'd let me do it again?"

Sighing, the dragoness watched her drink as it swirled around in the cup. There were several moments of silence before she finally looked over at her waiting husband.

"I'll...I'll let you..." she mumbled as she slowly set her beverage down on the table.

Soren smiled a little at her response, stepping closer and gently rubbing her arm. It was a soothing gesture, and his big, soft eyes held a sense of gratefulness, excitement, and curiosity. "You can trust me, I promise."

With a little huff, the dragoness averted her gaze from him with a pouty expression. "Yeah, I know..."

Noticing the deep blush flushing her ears and cheeks, the blond only smirked at her reaction. "Don't worry, I'll be very gentle," he whispered into her ear, making it twitch as he wrapped his arms carefully around her waist.

The dragoness mentally cursed, both loving and hating how his lowered, sultry voice sent a light shiver through her body.

Soren chuckled, and now that she was more relaxed in his arms, one of his hands roamed down her back and softly rubbed circles at the base of her spine, right above her tail.


The sudden moan was a bit surprising, but it was more than welcome. "That feel good?" Two fingers scratched at the scales there, and the dragoness pressed her hips back into the touch. She kept her face hidden in his neck, but he could feel her hot, steamy breaths against him.

"Such a sweet spot~" he teased, giving a light kiss to her horn.

When Soren's touches got firmer, Pyrrah growled against him and clawed at his shirt. "I... I can't take it," she hissed out. "Bed. Now," she managed, her fangs nibbling at his collarbone.

Eyes widened, Soren had no idea how fast the ministrations had riled her up. But in no way was he going to complain. He scooped her up into his arms and quickly took her to their bed, kicking the door closed behind them for some privacy.

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