In Heat

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Callum sighed as he walked down the halls of Katolis' castle, smiling to himself as he thought about his wife and son. He missed them when he had to travel, but Avi was still too young to join him yet. A few more years, and they could travel with him soon enough.

As he continued on, he suddenly noticed someone. "Dumb Lump, it's been a while!"

Soren, leaning on the wall, just smiled at him. "Ah, Scales! How are you?"

"Good. You look..." The dragon glanced over his appearance. "Like a mess. Are you okay?"

The other man chuckled, smoothing his hair down. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just...Pyrrah. She's been...a little odd the last couple of days. She keeps finding me and...umm...well..." He grinned to himself, rubbing his shoulder. "I'm not complaining, but I do have a job to do. Being dragged off every few hours by my's making my job a little difficult."

Callum chuckled in amusement. "Ah, she's probably just in heat."

The human blinked. "Wait...what?"

"Her body is ready for a child, and now that she has a mate, she can have one." The dragon looked him over again. "Don't you know anything about females?"

Soren blushed. "Wait...a child?"

"So you didn't know?"

"Well...we've only been mated a few weeks...I...I didn't think..." He blushed even redder. "So soon..."

The king nodded. " may be harder for you and Pyrrah. There hasn't been a human-dragon Variant in...thousands of years, maybe don't know how hard they are to conceive," Callum sighed.

With an understanding nod, Soren took a moment to process the information. " gives me some time think about it."

"You might want to talk to Pyrrah once her heat's passed. Right now, she won't have much control over herself."

"How long do these things last?"

"About three or four days."

"Thank goodness. I mean, I might not know much about dragons but..." He gave a smirk. "I know they're insatiable in bed."

The king smirked back just as much. "Elves aren't much better."

Arm casually around the other's shoulder, Soren laughed. "And we're the poor suckers that have to deal with them."

"Poor, poor us."

The Dragon Prince: A Dumb Lump and Salty DragonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora