Fears of the Past

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It was still a foreign idea to Pyrrah that she was not only living in a human palace, but she was in love with a human as well. Luckily, she wasn't against it anymore. One look into that man's eyes, and she knew she'd made the right choice. He was a moron and a dork, but she knew he was passionate about everything he did, even more so if it involved her.

Plus, he was an incredible lover. Every night he'd come back to their room in the palace and sweep her off her feet, taking her to the bed and ravishing her with kisses and attention. He'd whisper sweet nothings into her ear while performing things to her body she had never imagined. The elders had told her mating was a strict and defined act. But with Soren, nothing was defined. He loved to experiment and try new things to make her feel even better.

One night, as he nipped and bit at her neck, her eyes closed blissfully, the dragoness suddenly felt something tight around her wrists. When she pulled to try and get free, she couldn't.

The mere feeling of not being able to move brought her to an instant panic. Memories flooded her mind, of males pinning her down, aiming to take her, forcing her to submit to them and having their way. She never wanted that. She never wanted to be just another sun dragoness. She wanted to be free of it. So, she fought back.

Suddenly, she could move again and quickly pulled herself away from the other in bed with her, hissing for a bit before realising it was Soren she was with. Her mind had been so lost in fear of the past, she'd forgotten the present.

He watched her with concern, something she never would have seen in her own kind. "Pyr? A-are you okay? What happened?" He slowly moved towards her. "I'm so sorry. Your hand got caught in my cape. I didn't mean to hurt you."

She stared at him for a bit, then shook her head. "As if...as if you could hurt me," she muttered, meaning to imply that it was because he was human. But the way she'd said it, she realised he couldn't hurt her.

Soren would never. He'd do anything for her. Her heartbeat slowly calmed as she thought of that, knowing it was him.

When he touched her shoulder, she moved to his side, resting her head on his heart. "I'm sorry if I scared you Soren."

"You want to talk about it?" he asked, gently scratching her ear, something he knew calmed her down.

She chuckled a little. "Three months together and you already know all my weaknesses."

"I'm just that good of a boyfriend."

"Mate-to-be," she corrected. "And...when my hands got stuck...I thought... I thought for a moment you were..." She took a deep breath, steadying herself. "I thought you were one of the males that always wanted to take me. To pin me down and..." She looked up at him. "I don't know why but...I forgot it was you and...it scared me."

"Pyrrah," he whispered, staring down at her with worried eyes.

"It's funny...in a way. I always thought of myself as the perfect sun dragon. Brave, fast, strong...and yet...I never wanted to mate." She sighed as he held her close. "I never wanted...to be taken."

"What did you want?"

She was silent for a while, feeling him hold her, caress her ear and breath against her. "I wanted to be loved," she whispered. "I...I didn't realise before...but I wanted to be loved."

He gave a small chuckle, then leant over to rub his cheek against her hair. "Well, you know I will always do that."

"Yeah, I know."

"And Pyr, I will never hold you down, ever. If it scares you, I will always let you be free."

She sighed at the words, knowing he meant them. "Thank you Soren...for understanding."

"I might not understand everything in your past, or what it's like to be a dragon...but I know what it's like to feel trapped...To be made to do something you don't want to." He kissed her brow, then reached over and brushed away a tear that was creeping down her face. "I want you to be happy Pyrrah, always."

She smiled at him, then leant up and kissed his lips softly. "I...I'm kinda tired now. Could we..."

Before she said another word, Soren was moving her to lie down in bed and pulled a blanket up over them. He snuggled up behind her, careful of her wings and horns, then kissed her shoulder. "Goodnight Salty."



RK: Baby, baby girl...I must protecc. T-T

The Dragon Prince: A Dumb Lump and Salty DragonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant