Winning Hand

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Soren frowned as he looked over at his wife. "Pyrrah? Are you okay?"

Her worried expression only became more fearful as she looked down at the letter. "It's from the King."

"From Scales? What is it?"

"Apparently...some of the sun dragons heard about us...and...a collection of them are...they're protesting the King to break our bond."

"What?" he gasped, looking over her shoulder at the letter. "They...they're protesting because you...mated with a human...and..." He almost snatched the paper from her hand as he read the letter. "They're saying it's insulting to your Primal?!"

"I knew the western dragons would reject me...but my entire Source?" She sighed. "I...I should have seen it coming. The Sun Primal is that of purity, so...naturally the dragons would want to keep our line pure. But...Soren, did you read what they'll do?" She turned back to the paper. "The dragons are saying that if something isn't done about our bond, they will rebel against the crown and attack Katolis...Soren, they are threatening war...because of us."

"'s not like there's a way to...undo this..." He frowned at her when he noticed her silence. "Is there?"

"Yes...there is," she whispered. "The King...would have to kill you."

He blinked. "What?"

"If you die...I become unbound. They would probably make me face the Sun Nexus to 'purify' me but...I guess in their eyes, after that, I would be...clean." She groaned out the word and shuddered. "Honestly! Why did I have to be born to the worst Source?! You would never get this with easygoing Tidebounds!"

Looking at the letter once more, Soren glanced at her worriedly. "Scales wouldn't kill me...would he?"

"No, he wouldn't. But he also doesn't want the entirety of the sun dragon clans to turn against him."

"So...what can we do?"

She reached up to her eyes and wiped away a tear before it could form. "I don't know..."

Looking at the letter closer, Soren frowned. "Wh-what if I fight them?"


"You told me once...a sun dragon chooses a mate by being the strongest male." He turned back to her. "So...if I prove I am worthy of you...if I fight them and prove...prove my worth...would they maybe accept?"

The dragoness thought for a bit. "Well...yes...I can't see why they wouldn't honor the tradition, wouldn't be easy Soren. There's a lot of dragons..."

He smiled kindly, then reached over and pulled her to his side. "I love you Pyrrah. I would fight every single dragon in Xadia to be with you, and I won't let anything or anyone keep us apart."


There must have been at least twenty challengers, maybe more. They were all male sun dragons, and they were all there for Pyrrah. Soren wouldn't let it happen. He looked back at his girl, her expression horribly anxious, which was a rare sight. He wasn't sure who or what she was anxious about, but he had every faith he could do this. He'd win. For her.

Callum stood by his side. "Soren, you know you will have to beat all of them, right?"

"Yeah, to prove I'm strong enough to keep her. I know Scales."

The king smiled softly. "I ordered them to fight as hybrids. Rayla and I will be looking out for any dirty tricks, but once you start, I can't help you."

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