Her Go (18+)

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SL: "I can't write more than a hundred words of naughty before blushing."

Also SL: *starts creating this*

RK: *wipes tear* I'm so proud.


They were both aware it was coming. It had been eight years since they'd first met. Eight years since Pyrrah had attacked the town and Soren had shot her with an enchanted ballista bolt. A lot had happened since then.

Mainly that they, a dragon and a human, were deeply in love with each other.

But the fact that Pyrrah's playful teasing and jabs had recently stopped, proved something was wrong.

One evening, just before the day arrived, Soren held the dragoness's hand as they sat watching a fire, enjoying the peaceful silence. "Pyrrah, I've been thinking..."

She leaned her head on his shoulder. "What about?"

"Well...the day after tomorrow...it's the day we met."


"And...I know we met...badly."

"You shot me."

"You were attacking a town."

She shifted in her seat at the reminder. "I know..."

"So that day wasn't...the best, but it was important. I...I think we need to do something to turn it into a good day."

Frowning, she looked over at him. "How?"

"Well, we could go for a flight? Far from the palace where no one will find us. We could have a picnic and watch the clouds? Whatever you want really."

Thinking about it, the dragoness smiled slightly. "Whatever I want huh?" she asked with a glint in her eye. "Do you mean that?"

Blinking, Soren got a sudden feeling he'd walked into a trap. "Umm...well, as...as long as it's something we both like...then...yes. Whatever you want."

Pyrrah smiled, then leant up and kissed him briefly. "There's a dragon thing I've always wanted to try, but I'm sure a human like you would enjoy it too...maybe even more so."

"What is it?"

"You will just have to wait and see," she replied, leaning against his side once more.

Soren was cautious, knowing that his dragon could be tricky, but he just shrugged and wrapped his arm around her. He let the matter drop for the rest of the day.

The day after, Soren ensured all the guards and the king knew he was going to be unavailable for the day, arranging replacements for his duties. All day he was wondering what Pyrrah was up to.

Early the next morning, she woke him and told him to dress and meet her in the courtyard. Guessing they would be flying, he dressed warm, taking his dragon blade with him and joining her outside. "Where are we going?" he asked with a frown. "I hope it's not far. You know I don't like flying."

"That's why I got you this," she explained, holding out a small bottle with a clear liquid inside. "Drink this and you won't even notice we're flying."

Trusting her, Soren took the bottle and downed the mouthful of liquid, licking his lips at the sweet taste. Pyrrah smiled, then shifted to her dragon form, holding out her foreleg for him to climb up. "It can take a moment to kick in, so best climb on."

Doing so, Soren noticed a slight tingle in his fingers. "I think it's working."

"Then hold on tight, and trust me."

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