Overheated (18+)

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RK: I know, we haven't updated for ages and this monstrosity is the first thing we post. I apologize. :'D


A few days ago, Soren had received a letter from the Dragon King himself requesting both his and Pyrrah's presence at the Storm Spire. Apparently, some rogue dragons were causing some trouble, and the king managed to organize a meeting. They agreed to come as hybrids, but nothing was stopping the rogues from double-crossing him. To prevent any scheming, Callum wanted some extra security, hoping Soren and Pyrrah would do the honour of overseeing the negotiations at the end of the week.

Of course, Soren and Pyrrah couldn't deny this simple favour requested by Xadia's king, but there was one small problem. Pyrrah was in the middle of her heat.

They were currently flying to the east, Soren riding on the dragoness's back. It pained him a little to see Pyrrah panting so heavily, labouring to keep them in the air. Even with an inferior sense of smell, Soren could still pick up the scent of her pheromones. Her scent was unbelievably strong, and he was sure if he hadn't already mated her, male dragons would be all over her tail.

She wasn't doing well, so he figured a little rest was in order. "Pyrrah, let's land. You need to catch your breath."

Despite her naturally rebellious nature, she nodded in agreement, gliding down towards the ground. She managed to land in a clearing, but immediately began pacing back and forth. This made things difficult for Soren who was trying to dismount.

"Pyrrah! Would you stop for a minute?!"

The dragoness stopped to look over her shoulder and lowered herself to the ground to let the guard get off. Once Soren's feet were safely on the ground, she collapsed and rolled onto her side. "I-I feel like...everything burns...Soren."

"I know. I'm sorry love," he sighed, running his hand soothingly down her muzzle. "Out of all the weeks that Scales could've planned this..." Soren muttered to himself.

"P-please, help me," she begged, rolling onto her back and sprawling her wings out on the ground.

"A-aren't you going to shift? I don't know if I'll be of much...use...otherwise." The guard gasped in surprise when he felt a tail wrap around his waist and lift him up a little, placing him between her two hind legs right near the base of her tail.

"I-It's burning Soren...please! I-I can't!" The dragoness whined and squirmed beneath him, becoming increasingly desperate.

When he finally looked down, Soren couldn't help but blush furiously at the sight. A big, wet, dripping opening glistened before him. The smell was strong, but alluring, only encouraging him to scoot closer.

Arching her neck forward, Pyrrah watched him with a half-lidded gaze. "Soren~" she purred, spreading her hind legs a little wider to give him a better view.

He'd never done this before, pleasuring his wife while she was in the form of a literal, fire-breathing beast, but there was a first time for everything. With a gulp, Soren removed some of his armour and rolled up his sleeves. This was going to get a little messy. Determined, he ran the entirety of his hand up and down her folds. He felt her purr beneath him and her inner lips quivered at his touch.

A little more confident, he further spread her folds. Juices pooled in her depths and the resulting scent made Soren lightheaded in a good way, a very good way.

Reaching down, he stuck his entire hand into the upper part of her folds. He felt around a bit before finally touching what he was looking for. A smirk on his lips, he squeezed a round mound of flesh.

Throwing her head back with a roar, Pyrrah's tongue lolled from her mouth. "Oh!~ S-Soren~" she whimpered, the tip of her tail flicking a little.

Soren was actually surprised at how big it was, but her being scaled up as a dragon, it made sense that her clit would be the same.

Soren was curious to explore the differences of his wife's draconic form. Pulling his hand away, the entirety was covered in a thick, clear liquid. He licked his palm and shuddered at the taste. It was amazing, arousing even! At its core, the taste was the same as it had always been, but something was different. It was a little sweeter, a little tangier, and it tasted wonderful.

She panted, watching him lick the fluids from his hand slowly and agonizingly. "Soren!" she growled loudly, trying to get his attention.

Snapped out of his trance, he quickly lowered his hand. "Right, right, sorry." He looked down at the big, dripping pussy, trying to figure out how to handle this. Then, he had an idea. It was a little crazy by human standards, but she was a dragoness. He was confident it would work.

Making a fist, he positioned his hand above her folds. And after taking a deep breath, he shoved his arm into her cunt.

With a roar of pleasure, the dragon couldn't hold back the puffs of smoke billowing from her maw. She could feel his muscular arm rubbing against her walls and her pussy reflexively clenched around it. His arm was as big as a dragon's cock, making it all the more pleasurable. "SOREN!~ Yes! F-faster!~" she whimpered, bucking her hips a little.

With a determined nod, he began moving his arm in and out at a faster pace. He could feel the tight walls clenching and unclenching his arm and the unbelievable reservoir of juices she was withholding. For once, he actually wished he was a dragon so his tongue would be long enough to reach the untapped source. But alas, this is how things were, not that he was gonna complain. He was having a great time.

He pulled out his arm and thrusted it in deeper, his knuckles brushing the entrance to her womb.

Claws digging into the dirt, Pyrrah roared. Her juices squirted out from around his arm and dripped down his chest, face, and shoulder.

Slowly pulling out, he looked at his glistening skin. All of it was covered in her tasty, sweet fluids, and he was ready to enjoy the fruit of his labour. He licked the base of his forearm, all the way up to his wrist, moaning as he did so.

After panting and catching her breath, Pyrrah managed to raise her head and watch him savor his well-earned reward. "E-enjoying yourself?"

Looking into her bright blue eyes, Soren sucked on his fingers before giving her a smirk. "We need to do this more often."

The Dragon Prince: A Dumb Lump and Salty DragonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora