We Won

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All 3 of them head to the back of Gills castle

Bill scoffs, and leaves the castle. Kill rolls his eyes, and Tad sips his iced tea.

Meanwhile With Mabel

"Shh..guys!" I whisper, looking through Gills door. I gave and cover my mouth. There were 3 Ciphers in there! How would we get in?!

"Mabel do you even have a plan?" Ford asked. I shook my head, and he sighs in defeat.

"Just bust in there and kick Demon butt!" Stan reasoned, holding a bat.

Shhhh..! Zizzy says getting the duct tape.

"Why do you have duct tape?" Stan growled, aiming the bat at Zizzy.

"Hope Dipdot is okay...Wait who am I kidding?! He is okay cause that smol little blueberry is protecting him!" I boomed, squealing and jumping.

"Smol little blueberry?" Ford asked, scratching his head.

Let's just get inside. Quietly and protect that smol blueberry. Zizzy says.

"HELLOOOOOO!" I yelled at Gill. Kill slammed his cards on the table in frustration. Looked like he lost a bet with Tad, who smirked and counted his money. I run on over, and decided to distract the Ciphers while my friends sneak in quietly.

Kill flips the table, barely missing Tads head. He plainly looks at Kill and shrugs, floating casually.

Well look what we have here another pines. Zuzy says.

Another I thought you died. Gill says angrily.

"Well my brother got resurrected. You did it yourself, Pea Brain!" I taunted. Tad smirked at me. He stood up and leaned gentlemen like. Kill groaned. Kill made a sickened noise at Tad.

>:C Gill makes a angry face.

StOp tHaT! Grrrr! Gill shouts.

Gill starts attacking Mabel and pulling her hair.

"OW OW OW OW!" I repeated.

"hahahaha! I love this! Now it's interesting!" Kill boomed, clutching his stomach and laughing. Bill teleports back, and starts laughing too. They both cheer on, and eat popcorn.

Under Tads breath, he didn't want to see them fight. It was not proper to. Talking it out was the way for him. He wanted Mabel to win. He loved her confidence.

Ugh your so annoying you little fly!! Gill shouts.

Hm let me help a bit. Heheh! Zuzy says making another ringing sound with her amber.

"AHHHH!" I yelled, covering my ears.

Meanwhile in the back on the castle, Dipper screams, and falls. Dipper and Will fall on the ground.

What is happening there? O~O 👉 Zizzy says pointing it out.

Whoa. Zizzy says in amazement.


"That isn't fair!" I yelled, stomping.

 Invasion Falls (New Au crossover of Piggy and Gravity Falls) Where stories live. Discover now