Getting Sick Part 1

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"Shooting Star! I have a terrific idea!" I exclaimed.

Mabel turned and perked up.

"I love terrific ideas! Let's hear it!" Mabel said, smiling big.

"Bring everyone hear and I'll explain!" Bill called.

Mabel decided to get everyone right away.

What is it Billy boy? Molly asks.

"Don't call me that. And secondly! Let's play truth or punishment!" Bill said happily.

Will went wide eyed. Dipper nodded. Liam wasn't that ecstatic to hear such a thing. Lizzie smiled big. Tad chuckled, and Molly listened.

"Gill, ask one of us of your choice!" Bill called joyfully.

Everyone sat in a circle, waiting for a answer.

Hm. Tad! Gill says.

"Me? Well, truth!" Tad states.

Alright is it true you hide tea in everyone's room? Gill asks, smirking.

Tad froze, and laughed.

"I have to say, yes it's completely true. I don't even know what the punishment is." Tad said.

Bill gasped.

"That's why there was so much tea!" Bill called, irritated.

Alright who's next? Gill asks.

Nobody answered.

Hmmmmmmmm. Bill is next I guess. Gill says.

"Yes! Okay, let's do....Molly!" Bill exclaimed.

Hm truth! Molly says.

"You like Tad?" Bill asked, smirking.

Well. Yes indeed! Molly says, smiling.

"OMG YESSSS!" Lizzie screamed.

"Molly, I told you so." Bill said, smiling big.

"So, you can go next. Pick someone." Bill states.

Hm WILL! Molly says.

"M-Me?" Will said quickly.

Yep! Molly says, smiling.

"Truth?.." Will said slowly.

Alright. Have you ever stole before? Molly asks.

"I..well..yes, I have." Will mumbled.

"You have?" Dipper said.

Will nodded.

"I'll do it next, so..Dipper." Will said.

Dipper smiled.

"Truth!" Dipper yelled.

"When was the last cried?" Will asked.

"When we were going through our fears a while back. I thought Mabel died." Dipper called sadly.

Mabel hugged Dipper.

"Gill, truth or punishment?" Mabel asked.

Truth. Gill says.

"If you can live on this world with only one other person, who would it be?" Mabel questioned.

Molly! Because if I have the angel potion then I can visit all my brothers. Gill says, smiling.

"Makes sense." Everyone murmured.

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