Ace School, Illuminachi

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Will and Adam were putting Carlos presents in a place.

Liam and Lizzie helped with color.

Mari was doing nothing.

Tad put bill in a purple dress with glitter and gave Bill a present.

"You are going to give Carlos the present." Tad states.

"Nwo! No!" Bill pouts, waddling away.

No, you can. Mari squeaked.

"NO!" Bill squeaks.

Tad did.

"I don't want to give presents!" Bill says to Mari.

Mari grabbed triangle bill and put him in a box.

"Noooooo!" Bill screamed.

She taped the box, closed and put it in a bag.

"Can he breathe in there?" Tad asked.

Yes. She says.

"Aw. Well okay. Oh! Carlos is going to come in 5 minutes. And everyone decided to celebrate your birthday on the same day!" Tad says, smiling.

Okay? But, it's in another 4 months.. she starts.

"Shhhhhh." Tad says.

"Too late. I'll be severely angry if you think we are going to stop all our hard work." Tad hissed.

Mari saw Carlos walk in.

"Happy birthday!" Everyone says.

Carlos gasped, smiling.

"Guys! You guys didn't need to-" Carlos starts.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Bill screams.

Mari gave him the bag.

"What's this?" Carlos asked, shaking it.

He opened in and there was a triangle Bill.

"Oh? It's a light!" Carlos says, squeezing it.

It lit up.

"Mariiiiiii! Help meeee!" Bill squeaks.

"Who's it by?" Carlos asked.

Me! Mari squeaked.

"O-Oh..thanks.." Carlos murmured, hugging Bill.

Bill threw up.

"Eww..uh.." Carlos says.

"Bad Bill bad!" Tad says, whacking bill.

After carlos went to the garage he threw away Bill.

Bill was stuck and trying to hop out.

Bill starts squeak crying.

Mari heard it and went to the trash can.

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