WARNING: Sexual content.

Me, Avani, Anthony, and mine and Tayler's mom had been wedding dress shopping all week. It was exhausting and honestly a waste of my time.

I just wanted a break and then I realized the Sway party thing was tonight. We split ways from Taylers mom and mine, to go shopping for tonight.

"So how you feel about the wedding getting close" Avani was holding up clothe options.

"Will you stand up and say you want to marry me instead?" I pouted. "Of course I would sorry Ant"

"I have to be married to the jack ass for a whole year, and there's no way we can fix things"

"Is Vinnie invited?" Anthony added in a sarcastic tone

"Yeah everyone is, but they have to rsvp so I'm making them go to my email so Tay won't see them"

"Does ant have to rsvp since he's not in the wedding party?"

"Yeah sorry ant, but we get to see Loren she'll be here in a couple weeks" we squealed with excitement.

*Time jump to the sway party*

I walked in with Avani, Anthony, and Mads. I made eye contact with Vinnie and waved at him he flashed a smile at me. Mads and I decided to go get some drinks.

We were hanging out in the kitchen drinking and then Tayler walked in with Sommer trailing right behind him.

"Bullshit" I whispered to Mads "I should say something"

I thought about it for a second "why the fuck do you want to marry me, when you're literally dating someone else?"

"Don't start with me Kailea, I got to much on my mind" he started pouring a drink

"Oh yeah like what? Planning a fake ass wedding for a fake ass relationship just so you can divorce me after a year for Sommers bitch ass!?"

He slammed his cup down on the counter "Fuck you Kai!"

I got in his face and grabbed it " NO fuck you!!"

I looked at summer "and don't even get me started, how can you be so okay ruining a relationship. How is any of this okay. How are you okay breaking this up knowing how in love we were and-"

My voice started breaking "you bitch" my voice cracked and I said it in a whisper. "I can't even look at you Tay"

I went to the bathroom to calm down. Someone knocked on the door I cracked it and it was Vinnie

"Hey" he closed the door and locked it

"What are you doing?"

"Well Mads and Avani came to find me and told me you were in here and to come check on you" he held my head against his chest

"Thanks Vinnie" I smiled softly

"I hate seeing you like this Kai, everyone who cares about you does come have fun" we stood in there for a while. I made Vinnie leave and I waited for a little to go out.

I was wondering around the new Sway house just looking at it, and I saw Josh in his room so I knocked and peeked my head in.

"Hey come in Kai" I walked in and closed the door

I walked over and hugged him "what are you doing up here alone?"

"Oh taking time to myself, parties overwhelm me sometimes it's good to take a break" he just staring at me

"You look beautiful Kai" I blushed

"Well thank you Josh" we just sat there for a moment

Idk why but I leaned in to kiss him and he didn't hesitate to kiss me back. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He locked his door and put me against the wall.

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