It was one more week until me and Tayler get married. The only thing I was excited about was my pretty dress.

I decided to get up from my bed and throw a hoodie on.

"I'm gonna go get coffee, want some?" Avani threw me my keys

"Oh yes please, just our usuals please! Want us to come with?" She smiled sweetly at me

"I love y'all, but I want alone time before I'm not longer a Adams" I walked out and drove to Starbucks.

I was waiting for my Coffees when I heard a familiar. I turned and saw Vinnie.. and some girl that I've never seen before.

They called my name and he looked over in my direction. We locked eyes for a minute. I took my drinks and ran out

Vinnie's Pov

"Kai your drinks are ready!!" Did I hear that right? I slowly turned my head over and saw her. She had a messy bun, a big hoodie, my hoodie in fact. She was so beautiful with out even trying. Her eyes looked so tired..

She hurried out once she saw me. "Give me a minute will you?

Kenna grabbed my arm "where are you going?"

"I just have to go talk to someone real quick, it'll be 5 minutes promise" before letting her say anything I rushed out

"Kai wait!" I ran towards her "Kai! I know you can hear me!"

I put my hand on her door "here let me hold those for you" I grabbed the drinks while she unlocked her car.

"How are you Kai?" She took the drinks from me

She said nothing "Kai? I'm trying to talk to you"

"Why?" She snapped at me "why do you want to talk to me? You couldn't even let me explain why I was in Josh room. Instead you just assumed I fucked Josh!"

"Kai, I'm sorry but I had reason to think you did" her shoulders sunk.

"I was actually apologizing to him for hooking up with him, because it meant nothing and I'm not that girl. I was trying to be better for you! Why would I sleep with him when I had just done it with you Vin!" She got in her car

"I just want to know if you're okay? And I'm sorry I assumed that I should've known better" her phone dinged

Kai's Pov

I looked down at me phone, it was my app for my period tracker. 49 days late... my face flushed color. I looked up at Vinnie "SHIT!"

"What, what's wrong kai?" I tried to avoid eye contact 

"Yeah, I um gotta go. My drinks are getting cold" I shut my door and drove off.

I got back home and ran in "AVI!! Do you have any of those tests?? You know the ones to see if you're growing something in your stomach?!?" I paused and looked at her to help me

"Oh shit no way" Anthony yelled at me.

"Shut the hell up and help me!" He laughed and I rolled my eyes.

I took a test and waited what felt for days for it to show up. I paced back and fourth in my bathroom. What if I was pregnant. What would I tell Vinnie. Shit what would I tell Tayler.

Avani's timer went off. "I'm not ready Avi, what if I am" my lip quivers

"Then you'll be amazing babe" she rubbed my shoulder

Anthony hovered over to me and wrapped me up in his arms "Kailea you will do amazing. You will be the best mom. And we will be the best Godparents" he laughed. I hugged him a little tighter and then let go

"Okay shall we look?" I looked at them and they put their arms around me. I flipped it over...

"Pregnant" I dropped the test and fell to my knees. Avani and Ant didn't hesitate to fall with me and comfort me.

"It's okay to be sad babe" Avani kissed my head "coke one let's go get comfy in the living room and watch movies" I nodded my head

They lifted me up and got me all comfy. I do have the best friends.


120 likes KaixxFinsta: me and Ant basically share a gf

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KaixxFinsta: me and Ant basically share a gf. Seriously tho they are the reason I know I can get through this rough patch. Might have some beans to spill soon. 🤫 😯
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Avispam: babe I just can't choose one of you guys. Thanks for understanding 😣. We love you tho fr
Antsonlyfans: beans will be spilt
Maddsleprivate: ugh I miss y'all. I'll be there soon so soon!

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