It was the night before my wedding we were all playing games at mine and Avani's apartment. It had just Hit 11:30 P.M.

"okay Tay you gotta go my love, It's almost our day you can't see me."

"I don't want to leave you though" he smiled at me

"gag me already" Avani joked around

he gathered his things and left with the boys ( His brother Trevor Josh, Bryce, Ant, and Noah) I walked him to the door.

"bye Tay, I will see you tomorrow" I kissed him lightly

"I cannot wait" I watched him walk away and went back in.

"So have you gotten your "something borrowed, something new, and something blue"?" Loren asked me

"yes for my "something borrowed" I got my mom's veil, for my "something new" Tayler got me a jewelry set, and for my "something blue" I got a blue pendent for my grandpas birthday."

"he'll be there with you Kailea" Mads told me

" I know" I smiled softly at her.

"guys I am going to bed so I have enough energy for tomorrow I love you girls"

"we love you" they all group hugged me.


I woke up with the biggest smile on my face I placed my hands on my stomach "it's our day baby" I started to tear up.

there was a soft knock on the door "come in" Avani and Loren came in

"how is our girl?" Loren ran over and hugged me "good, hungry but good"

"well you are in luck we made you breakfast" my phone started ringing "be out in a bit"


"Hey Beautiful"

"Hi My love"

"I just wanted to say good morning, and I can't wait for you to be my wife"

"Good morning Tay, I cannot wait to be your wife either"

"I do have a question though"

"what's up?"

"Is Vinnie going to be there, I'm just wondering"

"I mean I invited him, he is a big part of my life wether we are on bad terms or not. I hope thats's okay"

"yes it's okay. I love you."

"okay, love you too. gotta go"

we had breakfast then headed to the wedding venue.

"wow this is even more beautiful then imagined" Avani grabbed my hand "I'm glad I get to do this with you"

"you are my girl forever Avani Kiana" we walked to the bridal suite and I saw my mom, Tayler's mom, and My sister Lilah.

I ran over to my sister "Hi Li"

"Hi Ki" she hugged my neck

"Hi momma" she hugged me "Oh I cannot believe my baby is getting married today"

"where's dad?" Taylers mom came over to hug me "he's with the boys, how are you felling?"

"nervously excited" I smiled from ear to ear.

Gemma my makeup artist grabbed me "okay lets start this"

they did my hair while doing my makeup and my mom fed me snacks here and there.

I made everyone except my mom, sister, and Taylers mom get out while I put my dress on so I could surprise them. "oh baby you look more than gorgeous" my mom hugged me "no don't make me cry"

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