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Florida: Respect the LGBTQ!

Florida: Or I will cook you!


Alabama: The real question is does Indiana taste like a cupcake?

Ohio: Please don't eat Indiana!


Wyoming: Hi.

Florida: Why are you here I didn't think you where real!


Florida: Do you like arson?

DC: No! No do I not!

Florida: You sure?



Hawaii: May all tourists kindly get the fuck out!


Maryland: They're my friends!

Maine: Your floors are covered in crabs.

Maine: You at covered in crabs!


Utah: That doesn't seem safe. Are you ok?

Arizona, lying face down on the sidewalk in the burning heat: I'm Arizona, you should know that this is perfectly fine.

New Mexico: Yeah he's just built different.

Arizona: That's right, I'm just built different.


Alabama: Why do you two like sleeping on me?

Indiana: You're comfy.


Ohio: *chugs a bottle of wine*

Alabama: Are you seeing this? That's a problem!

Indiana: It seems fine to me.

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