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Jimin walked by the corridors with huge smile, its been a week he came to school and he really missed this place. But what he missed more was his best friend Taehyung and his heavenly boxy smile.

He entered the classroom with huge grin expecting to be welcomed by his friend with a warm hug.
But frowned seeing the empty chair,where his best friend usually sit.
He glanced at his wrist watch to make sure that he's not that early.
"I guess he's late today" he mumbled to himself as he sat down on his usual seat.

"Sorry but this is already occupied" he apologized to one of his classmate who was about to sit on Tae's place.

"I don't think he's gonna come...I mean it's been a week he didn't come after that incident so-

Jimin stood up listening to him. "incident? What incident?"

"I thought you knew..nevermind... it happened a week ago ,that senior Jeon Jungkook, he insulted Taehyung infront of the whole school.....(he told him the things he witnessed)......"

Jimin was shocked, his mind went blank when heard about the whole incident. All he could imagine was his friend's vulnerable state, wasn't it obvious? Cuz he knew how much Taehyung loved Jungkook. His love was beyond love.

Jimin hurriedly hang his back pack on his shoulder and ran out of the class, towards the exit of the school.
All he wanted was a glimpse of his friend to calm his mind at that time.


"Hyung...you already reminded me this nth time now, i promise I won't be late and will pick you up on time ...hm...come safely ok..take care...bye"
Jungkook ended the call as he dropped his tired self on the bed.

"So fcking tired..still can't sleep". He sighed and unlocked his phone.

"You aren't that useless...atleast i get proper sleep after seeing this face of yours" he mumbled staring at the wallpaper of his phone but flinched abruptly hearing the loud knocking at the door.

"Who could be at this hour?" He glanced at the clock before heading towards the door.
Before Jungkook could even get a glimpse of the person infront of him, a hard punch landed on his face.

"Who are you and wh-"

The person punched him again, Jungkook clenched his fist as he looked up at the person with enraged eyes.

Jimin was about to throw another punch on his cheeks but Jungkook was fast enough to stop him by holding his wrist and being more stronger than Jimin, it didn't take him seconds to turn the tables as he grabbed him by his collar and slammed him into the walls.

"WHAT THE HELL YOU WANT!!!??" He growled.

Jimin growled back.

On hearing the familiar name Jungkook's hand automatically lost strength with which he had gripped Jimin's collar.

"WHERE IS HE?!!!...WHAT YOU DID TO HIM?!!! ...TELL ME?!! " He cried.

"I don't know any person by this name" he said looking everywhere but not at Jimin.

"You don't know" he chuckled bitterly through his tears.

"Shut the fck up and get the hell out of here before I lose my mind"

"Yeah what will you do? Huh? Beat me...or R*pe me like you did to Taehyung"

Jungkook froze hearing those disrespectful words for him. How can he accuse him for something like this when Taehyung willingly slept with him.
No He didn't do anything wrong...he couldn't be wrong, right?

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