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As I watch my feet dangle over the edge of the 10 story building I think back on how I made it here. With Steez's suicide and Junior dying I took my fame more serious than anything, if not for myself, I had to make it for them. I was 19 when I was launched into mainstream music now 25, still young to most, I felt drained of life. I had
no love for the music anymore. My pros stopped long before me and are happy with their families and careers and look at me, depressed, alone and resenting the fame. I know I wasn't suicidal but I didn't know where to go so I came to my condos roof to clear my mind despite all the noise from the steady flow of cars and angry cab drivers honking horns. Suddenly I here the roofs double doors creaking open slowly as if someone was trying to be quiet as possible. As I'm raising off the ground I see a short dark figure in the shadows slowly walking to the edge not to far from where I'm standing. As the figure gets closer I notice it's a girl. In the light of the full moon I take in her appearance. About 5'5, dark brown skin , a wild array of natural curls and a skin tight green mini dress made up the beautiful woman but her face was stained with running mascara as if she was crying. Her soft sobs fill the air as she slowly approached the edge loosely holding a pair of black heeled boots in one hand and a piece of paper in the other. Still not noticing me she drops the boots and stops walking only a few yards away from me and a few feet from the edge. She's reading the paper now no longer quietly sobbing but painfully waling as if her her heart had been torn out her chest. I felt like I was invading a personal moment even if she intruded on my personal moment. I wanted to say something to let her know I was here but something made me remain silent and watch. After a few more moments of loud sobbing she became deathly quiet which worried me more than the waling. She steps closer to the edge ever so slightly.

Is she about to jump?

I clear my throat and she jumps violently. She doesn't even bother to look for where the noise came from, just steps even closer. The wind blows hard and she sways, the smell of liquor floats with the breeze. Now she's close enough to the edge one little step and her toes will be hanging over, one more gush of wind and she will surely topple over.

"Excuse me mam but don't you think you're to close the the edge" I ask standing stock still trying not to scare her to much. She looks over at me with a barely a glance. She puts one foot on the edge wiggling her toes in the breeze. I slowly start walking over with every intention to pull her back before she makes a stupid decision. Once I'm behind her she already has both feet on the edge, toes wiggling as if waiving good bye to the world. The smell of rose water pours off her skin as if she drenched herself in it before leaving the house. I go to pull her waist and I'm almost successful in having both hands around her until she jumps.

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