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📆Two Weeks Later📆

It's been a couple of weeks since I met Summer and haven't talked to her since. I tried calling and texting the first few days but I never got a reply so I said fuck it. After a while she stopped being so prominent in my mind but I still thought about her before I went to sleep or if I was on the roof. I wish it was possible for me to accidentally meet up with her again but my luck was never that good.

Seeing her did ignite a spark in me though. She gave me the urge to write again. Not record a album but just put pen to paper and let my thoughts flow. Writing has me feeling better spiritually than I have in a long time and I wish there was someone I could share my re discovered happiness with but I had been a shut in so long I didn't have many people to call.

I tried calling Kirk but he was busy with work and Chuck was off deejaying in Europe with Powers. All the other pros had family stuff so I was stuck alone. I decided to try getting in touch with Summer again.

Me: Sup shorty

As I waited for her reply I went outside to the condos basketball court to work up a sweat and so I won't be waiting by the phone for a text. After 20 minutes I check my phone again and surprisingly she replied.

Summer🌞: Who is this?

Me: Joey

Summer🌞:Hey Jo-Vaughn😁

Me: lol I'd rather Joey but I'll take what I can get. Been hiding from me huh?

Summer🌞: I've been so busy. A lot of people haven't heard from me.

Me: Well I'm glad you had time for me now. So what's up with you lil one?

Summer🌞: Actually I'm in your building at my best friends place.

I got really excited and with a Kool-Aid smile I replied.

Me: Do you like basketball?

Summer🌞: I do. Played for my high school team.

Me: How about a 1 on 1 game? Winner buys a pizza.

Summer🌞: You're on. Are you on the court already?

Me: Yes

Summer🌞: Be down in 5.

I quickly stood up from the ground and looked around. I was nervous. I didn't know why I was nervous but I was. I tied my shoulder length dreads into a ponytail and took off my shirt.

Couldn't make this easy for her right?

After 10 minutes of waiting I see her walking up to the glass doors that lead outside. I guess she decided to make this hard too and boy did I get hard. I quickly cleared my thoughts and tried to just focus on beating her. She walked out in red volleyball shorts that were so short I saw a little ass cheek slip out when she turned to slide the door closed, a red sports bra and red & black Nike roshes. Despite me trying to concentrate on everything but her body, I couldn't help but look at her thighs as she walked closer.

"Hey Joey! You ready to get that ass bussed" she asks laughing and giving me a tight hug. I hug her back and lightly place my hand on the small of her back. Even though my hands were itching to take a handful of her ass I controlled myself.

"Girl I could've been in the NBA how good I am. I like pineapple and Jalèpenos on my pizza by the way."

I released her and stared into her beautiful slim brown eyes mesmerized.

"Well let's start so I can win my anchovies pizza and hot wings" she winked at me and walked past me to the free throw line where the ball was.

"Whoever makes the trick shot gets ball first" she says dribbling the ball and walking towards me. She goes back to the line and shoots a one hander over the shoulder and makes it, all net. I try the same and miss.

Let the games begin.

Summers KnightWhere stories live. Discover now