Last Knight

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My best friend Rosalie half carried half dragged me out of the club after 15 shots of Crown Royal, with the intention to bring me home. Halfway to the car she dropped me flat on my face with a surprised squeak.

"Roseeeee why did you drop me" I slurred trying to stand up only managing to fall back down.

"Be quiet Summer" she whispered loudly. She picked me back up, and before I could say anything, she covered my mouth with her hand. With her elbow she points to a baby blue impala which is my boyfriend Lance's car.

Why is he still here?,,,,,,

He had left 10 minutes ago to bring his best friend Gary home because he was drunk.

He better not be in this car with no bitch.

I pulled out of Rose's grip and stumbled-walked to the passenger door. I yanked the door open ready to punch somebody but what I saw made me stop everything. Looking like a deer caught in headlights my boyfriend looked up from Gary's lap with spit around his mouth. Before he could say anything I started wildly swinging my fist and purse at both of them.

"Summer stop you bust my lip" Lance said getting out the drivers seat and charged towards me.

When he got close enough I stopped hitting Gary and swung around to punch Lance in his nose. The hit must have not phased him but it didn't matter cause I was still raining punches all over his face. He tried to grab my hand but I'm to quick and he knows it so instead he tackled me to the ground. When I fell my purse thuds to the ground and I heard glass breaking.

"You Mitch you broke my perfume!" I screamed kicking him in his balls.

He grabbed my arms when I stopped swinging and held them with one hand above my head. I was still squirming trying to free myself but it was no use. I closed my eyes and started crying.

My boyfriend was gay. My boyfriend of 4 years was gay. The man I thought I would marry one day was a fag. Other than Rose he was my only family.

I felt him get off me and soft hands pulling me up.

"Summer just let me explain."

"Explain what Lance! You're in your car sucking dick and you want to explain to your girlfriend what she saw" Rose screamed at him. I was still crying so I had nothing to say. I looked up at Lance who had his head hung in defeat and then over at Gary who trying to stop the blood leaking from his nose and mouth. I hog spit on both of them. Without another word Rose and I walked to her car.

"Rose can I stay with you tonight" I asked groggily. My adrenaline rush had died down and I felt extremely tired.

"I was already going there you didn't have to ask." She smiled at me and I tried to smile back but I couldn't.

I woke up a few hours later in her loft in the bed with her. I quietly got out the bed and walked to the kitchen and poured a glass in Hennessy and drunk it straight. I had another glass and decided I wanted to go home. I picked up the Hennessy bottle and found some pen and paper to tell Rose I left and that I just needed some time to think. I chugged from the bottle and sat the note on the kitchen counter. I stood there lost in thought still drinking from the now half full Hennessy bottle. I started crying.

How could he do this? Four fucking years wasted on him! He knows I have nobody else and he goes and does some shit like this. What if I have something? GOD!

I decided in that moment I was tired of living. Other than Rose no one else would miss me. I quickly jotted down what I wanted to happen to me and my things when I died, found my shoes, put the note in my bra and crept out the apartment. I walked to the elevator thinking of how I would off myself. When the doors opened I walked in about to press 1 until I see the R button above it. That must mean roof.

I could jump off the roof. Quick and painless, I would die instantly.

I waited for the slow ascending elevator to reach the top. I walked up 1 flight of stairs and slowly pushed the double doors marked roof open. The wind was slightly blowing and it felt so good through my hair.

I'm going to miss the wind. I'm going to miss Rose. I'm going to miss everything but I'm tired of pain. I'm just tired. It's time for my eternal slumber.

I could see someone on the roof in the moonlight looking at me but I didn't care about that person all that mattered was my end was here and I was ready for it

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