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After sitting at the door to the guest room waiting for Summer to stop crying, after about 20 minutes the hiccuping stops. I rise off the floor and open the door slowly. She's laying on the the foot of the bed in the fetal position, fresh tears on her face. She was sleep so I decide to bring her to my bed and tuck her in.

Walking downstairs after putting Summer in my bed I decide to make dinner for us even though I doubt she wakes up anytime soon. I start taking out the ingredients for baked chicken and macaroni when I hear a phone ring. I know it's not mine because I left it on the guest room bed. I walk into the foyer to discover Summer's phone on the floor near the front door. It's a private number but with the events of tonight I decide to answer it.

"Hello Summers phone. May I take a message?"
All I hear is deep breathing like someone's angry.

"Where Summer at" the mystery man asks.

"She sleep yo who is this?"

"Why you answering her phone then" the man asks breathing harder with more malice in his tone.

"Man who is this?"


Before I can reply her phone dies. I stand there staring at it for a few more seconds but decide not to pry. I place the phone in one of the many charging docks around the house and walk back to the kitchen to finish what I started.



"SOMEBODY HELP" I'm screaming at the top of my lungs but I know no one hears my cries. The fire is getting closer from outside my bedroom door. Suddenly my whole room is on fire.

"WHY!" I scream. I have no way out so I just sit in the middle of the floor and close my eyes and say the lords prayer. I can almost hear the flames hissing across the room engulfing everything in its path.

I feel the heat growing closer.
Sweat is pouring off my skin.

I jump up from the bed and fall flat on my face. Before I can even lift my head off the ground I here Joeys loud laughter behind me.

"You're not going to ask if I'm okay first you just go straight to laughter. I see the kind of friend you are" I say rising off the floor and picking up one of his slippers.

Through annoyingly loud chuckles and giggles he spits out "are you alright?"

I throw the slipper at his head and run out the room.

Summers KnightWhere stories live. Discover now