Chapter 13

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(this chapter contains possibly triggering content. If you need to, step out of the story at any time. Don't push yourself and stay safe)

"Maybe we should head back to the hospital and try and get help," said Pinx. Maxis shook their head as they sat down on a nearby bench.
"We don't know if the entire hospital is compromised. I think we're on our own for now."
Pinx nodded and sat down on the bench next to them. "Do you know why someone would want to hurt you?" Maxis thought about it for a moment. They had had many enemies in school and even amongst their coworkers. But they wouldn't have the gall to do this, would they? Not when they have this high of a position. Maybe they didn't care. But who would hate them enough to attempt murder? They searched through their memory for anyone, but came up with no one. They abruptly stood up and grabbed Pinx's hand.

"C'mon, we should try and head to the school."
"But it's burned down."
"They probably have refuge sites there for the displaced students. Can you call ahead to let them know we're coming?"
"My phone was in my dorm room."
"Fuck. And the hospital staff took mine. Just keep an eye out for a phone booth or something."
Pinx nodded as they continued towards the school.

After about an hour of walking, they arrived at the school.
Maxis, with an annoyed look on their face, said, "Well I had wanted to let them know in advance but I guess that's not really an option anymore." Pinx let a small giggle out and Maxis looked at her.
"And what's so funny Ms. Alburwood," they said as their face broke into a goofy smirk.
"I thought you said we didn't have to use last names when not in a school setting?"
"Did I? I don't recall." They stroked an imaginary chin beard. They were brought out of the moment of laughter when they heard someone call their name.

"Captain Forast! What are you doing here? I thought you were at the hospital." The familiar face of their second in command popped up in front of them.
"That is why we're here. While at the hospital, I was taken by a group of people, seemingly to be assaulted, and possibly killed. I managed to fight them off and get away, obviously, so we came here. The group was posing as doctors and nurses so we did not feel safe attempting to alert the staff as we don't know how many are compromised. I would like to lead a group to the hospital immediately to apprehend the suspects."

The second's face melted into shock with a mix of horror. "Who would have the audacity to attack you? With your position?"
"Exactly what I thought. I also thought up the possibility that they were attempting to kidnap and possibly ransom me."
"A fair assumption. But with your story, there is a high chance that the suspects may have already left the hospital as it takes around an hour to walk here."
"I am aware, but nonetheless, I would like to lead a team there. Not necessarily the Alphas, but perhaps the Betas as they seemed to not care for causality and are particularly dangerous."
"I'll get right on that."
"Also, could you get someone to escort Ms. Alburwood to one of the tents?"
"What? I thought I was also coming to catch them."
"Ms, you are a student. These people pose a serious threat and if I were to let you help, I would be a fool. Do you take me for a fool?"
"No, Captain."
"As I thought." Maxis' second in command showed Pinx to a tent set up in the middle of the field. Many other tents surrounded it but they all seemed to be at maximum capacity.

The person who led her here turned to her once they arrived.
"Alright Ms.- What was it again?"
"Alburwood." Pinx informed them. She was surprised at how quietly it came out.
Right. Well, I'm sure you'll be quite fine here."
"Thank you." she told them before walking into the tent.
"You're welcome!" They walked off and were soon out of sight. It was strange for Pinx to see Maxis in 'teacher mode' again after all that had happened in the past few days. It was like she was just some random student again.

A human carrying boxes of supplies caught sight of Pinx and did a double-take.  Pinx recognized them. Her eyes widened and she quickly tried to act as though they hadn't just seen each other. Unfortunately, they'd noticed and took no time setting the supplies down in their designated area and coming towards Pinx.

"Pinx? Is that you?"  Resisting the urge to groan, Pinx put on her best fake smile and greeted her.
"Hey Hutch! Wasn't expecting to see you here." 
"I know! What are the chances that out of all the tents we'd end up in the same one?"
"I'd say slim but with the luck I've been having lately it was practically guaranteed." She of course only said this in her head.  Seeing as the school is nothing but ashes, the ends of her hair are somewhat burnt and she's in a hospital gown right now she doesn't imagine the comment would be received positively. Granted it wasn't meant to be received that way.

"Well, we're living in pretty crazy times." Pinx decided to go with a much safer option, it's better that way, knowing what Hutch is capable of.
"Yeah, but on the brighter side of things, it'll make one damn good admissions essay for my next school." Pinx's interest was piqued by this.
"Next school? Are you planning to get another degree after the Academy?
"You're not? I guess I just assumed everyone was, I mean you want to get a job right? The only way to get a decent one is at least two degrees. Personally, I'm going for 4, two here, two at my next school." Pinx couldn't stand the way she always talked down to her, to everyone!

"Actually I'm training to become a hunter.  I'm also getting a degree in history and I think I'll be just fine." Hutch stared slightly before they talked again,
"Right I forgot you were doing that hunting thing! I remember at the Orphanage you used to stay outside for hours doing the same moves over and over cause you kept messing them up." Pinx sighed internally and was just about ready for this interaction to end.
"I actually sustained an injury earlier," Pinx says, bringing attention to her hospital gown. "and the doctor said I should rest in a dark area with minimal distractions so I'm gonna head to the back of the tent and rest my eyes." Before Hutch could respond Pinx was off to the area with sleeping mats laid close together.

She claimed one in the corner and pulled the meds given to her to let her sleep out of the pocket of her hospital gown.  The doctor had said not to take them until going to sleep for the night, so instead of taking one she puts it to the side and lays back. The mattress is somewhat comfortable so it's fairly easy to settle down into it. Pinx puts her hands over her eyes to try and block out any light. To her dismay, she has trouble fully relaxing and keeps shifting her body and changing the pressure and positions of her hands on her eyes. Two taps on her left shoulder brought her out of this uncomfortable daze.

"Hutch I really have to rest so could you ple-"
Her blurry eyes quickly adjusted to make out no other than Sador Trat. Pinx hadn't even noticed her before but now saw that she seemed to be set up in the other corner of the mattress clump. 

"Oh, Sador hi. Was I bothering you? I'm sorry it's just really hard to get comfortable. That's why I'm shifting around so much, I'll try to stop." Sador appeared slightly surprised by this response.
"No I don't care about that, I overheard your conversation with Hutch."
"Oh, so why did you want my attention?" Pinx couldn't think of any reason why she of all people would be voluntarily talking to her. Sador hesitated only leaving Pinx more anxious.

"When the fire alarm started going off you weren't there so..." she reached into her bag on her mattress.
"I just grabbed whatever looked important on your side and brought it." Pinx was now staring at a photo album containing all the pictures she has of her parents and of her as a hunter in training.

The book with the white fabric cover with faint crayon marks she never thought she would see again was now in her hands. She flipped through quickly confirming that everything was there. She looked back up at Sador who was back in her mattress reading. Pinx taps her on the shoulder this time. Sador looks at her obviously not wanting a follow-up, but Pinx couldn't help herself.

"Thank you so much. You can't imagine what this means to me." Pinx tears up at the gesture. She wants to go for a hug but thinks better of it and settles for an appreciative nod instead.
"You're welcome." Pinx goes back to her mattress not wanting to push Sador any further out of her comfort zone. As she once again shifts in her bed she feels something soft and light land on her chest. She opens her eyes again and grabs it. It's a black sleeping mask that reads in white letters 'Sweet Nightmares'.

Pinx glances at Sador one last time smiling to herself before slipping the mask over her eyes. The mask blocked out virtually all light, it was perfect. Pinx finally rested comfortably on her mattress.

Word Count: 1630
Other Author:
ukulelefan334 (Go follow them!)

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