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Ariana's POV

"Now... What to do, what to do." Billie sighed, standing before Liz and I as we were both almost completely naked ; our hands cuffed up to some hooks on Billie's wall and our only piece of clothing on us being our lace panties.

I had no clue of what was going to happen to us.

But odds are it wasn't gonna be good.

Brace yourself, Ari.

"Y'know, I'm really disappointed in the two of you. Especially you, Elizabeth. You know better. This isn't how my angels should behave. My ladies are expected to get along with each other no matter what. And you two completely threw that rule out the window." Billie spoke as she neared me.

The closer she got to me, the faster my heart would beat.

We were face to face.

It got to the point where her nose was grazing my own and I could feel her breath just above my lips.

"Ariana... I know you're new here and all but unfortunately that doesn't matter in your situation. So hopefully this'll just teach you a little lesson, yeah? You're not working at Charlie's anymore. You work for me. And we do things a little differently around here. Alright?"

"Yes, daddy." I muttered.

She made dead eye contact with me.

Something in her sparked when she heard me talk.

Like she was longing to hear my voice or something.

 "That's my good girl." She spoke gently with a slight rasp apparent in her voice.

I tried not to keep eye contact with her.

I looked everywhere else except at her.

But I knew she was staring directly into my eyes.

Looking for some, any kind of reaction to her teasing.

My breath hitched as her hand ran up and down my abdomen slowly.

The effect she had on me was like no other.

I could feel the wetness between my legs increasing by the second.

My chest rose up and down at a somewhat quick pace as I tried to calm myself down.

The aching between my thighs was just begging to be relieved.

I needed some, any kind of friction to relieve myself.

Billie let her hands wonder up to my breasts, caressing them gently all the while I couldn't stop biting my lip to stop myself from moaning.

"Now," Billie separated herself from me as she walked over to Liz. "I was  planning on punishing the both of you at the same time. But now that I'm seeing my beautiful angel for the first time in her truest form," Billie spoke, referring to my currently naked body. "I think I might just want some alone time with her."

Oh god.


"Elizabeth, you're dismissed for now. I'll deal with you later." Billie separated from me and unlocked Liz's handcuffs.

Liz removed her hands from the restraints and rubbed over her wrists from the tight marks the cuffs left.

"But trust and believe I won't forget, baby girl." Billie warned her.

"Yes, daddy.." She responded nervously.

"Atta girl.. Now get out before I change my mind."

Liz quickly grabbed her clothes, put them on, and left.

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