Chapter 10:Ariana and Jay hangout

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Jay:Hey how did you like watching me and my friends practice?
Ariana:It was fun! I've never seen such an entertaining game, besides swimming.
Jay:*laughs*I'm not sure if I can swim
Ariana:It's okay my parents always taught me how to swim back at home.
Jay:Hey, where exactly is your home?
Ariana:I'm actually from Seaside, Westerly, United States of Auradon.
Jay:Sounds like a beautiful place.
Ariana:Oh and do you promise not to tell anyone my dark secret?
Jay:It's okay your secret is safe with me.
Ariana:Okay...the truth is...I've been scared of the ocean since I was little.
Jay:Really? Why?
Ariana:Well my mother told me stories about Ursula the sea witch and how she could snatch me away into the ocean and would try to steal my voice like she did to her when she was my age.
Jay:Wait, didn't she tell you about her daughter?
Ariana:Who? Uma? Oh, yeah I've heard of her but I never met her face to face before.
Jay:Really? What about Captain Hook's son, Harry?
Jay:Or the son of Gaston, Gil?
Ariana:I've never met him either.
Jay:Do you have any siblings?
Ariana:I have two big sisters, Meeshell and Melody
Ariana:There's my mom, my dad, my grandpa King Triton, and my six aunts, Attina, Arista, Alana, Aquata, Adella, and Andrina. Oh, and my two cousins, Prince Artemis and Princess Arabella.
Jay:Wow, you have a big family.Have you ever dated anyone?
Ariana:Well, believe it or not, I used to date Chad Charming.
Jay:What? Ew.
Ariana:I know it's kinda embarrassing since he cheated on me for Snow White's daughter.
Ariana:Yeah, but I eventually told her truth and she broke up with him and we both became best friends. So, I never dated another Prince ever since that incident.
Jay:Wow. Speaking of that, are you dating anyone right now?
Ariana:(laughs) No, why would anyone go out with me?
[Jay takes Ariana's hand]
Jay:I could.
[Ariana smiles and blushes at Jay .Suddenly Jay's phone rung and he answered,Evie explained to him they had to go back to the Isle to find Mal]
Evie:Jay! We have to find Mal!
Jay:Why? What happened to Mal?
Evie:She went back to the Isle!
Ariana:What? Why? I thought she loved it here in Auradon.
Jay:I'm in let's go Ariana!
[Ariana and Jay soon made it back and was getting ready in their dorms then went to where the black limo was parked]
Ariana:What is the Isle like Jay?
Jay:Don't worry nothing's gonna happen to you
Ben:No! it's not safe for her.
Ariana:Hey! She's my friend too and I've always wanted to visit the Isle so yes I'm going with you.
Dude the Dog:Shotgun!
[Everyone stops and look at Dude in surprise that he spoke]
Carlos:No Dude! Stay! The Isle is way too dangerous!
Jay:Did he just-
Carlos:Talk? Yeah, I know.
Ariana:Now there's talking animals in Auradon? I love it here.
[The gang gets ready to go rescue Mal, cut to them arriving to the Isle]

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