Chapter 11:Chillin like a Villain

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Ben, help me with the tarp.
Jay? -Jay: Yeah?
I got it. It's really weird being back here. We'll get in and get out.
Jay! ♪ ♪ Hey, what's in here? Ben! You don't want to know. Hey, guys. Keep it chill, all right? The last thing we need is our parents figuring out we're here. (chatter)
Hey! Hey! Stop.Just take it.
Go on. -(giggling)
Ariana:Aw, poor kids.
Ugh. Ben.
(sighs) (growls) -Ben, stop. Just stop. -Hey, man! -Ben: Why?
Evie:This isn't a parade. It's the Isle. Keep your hands in your pockets unless you're stealing.
You either slouch or strut.
And never, ever smile.
Ariana:That sounds sad and gloomy.
Ben:Okay, thanks.
Evie:No! No "thank you's," and drop the "please," too. Just...chill.
Ariana:What do you mean by that Evie?
Evie:Glad you asked Ariana.
🎶Let me tell you something you can really trust
Everybody's got a wicked side🎵
I know you think that you can never be like us
Watch and learn so you can get it right
🎵You need to drag your feet
You need to nod your head
You need to lean back🎶
Slip through the cracks
🎶You need to not care (uh, you need to not stare)
You need a whole lot of help
You need to not be yourself🎵
You wanna be cool?
Let me show you how
🎵Need to break the rules
I can show you how
And once you catch this feeling, once you catch this feeling🎶
You'll be chillin', chillin', oh
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
🎶Chillin' like a villain (hey)
Chillin' like a-, chillin' like a (hey), villain
You get attention when you act like that
Let us teach you how to disappear🎵
You look like you would lose a fight to an alley cat
You gotta be wrong to get it right 'round here
You need to watch your back
🎵You need to creep around
You need to slide real smooth
Don't make a sound
And if you want it, take it
And if you can't take it, break it🎶
If you care about your health (seriously, you need to not be yourself)
You wanna be cool?
🎶Let me show you how
Need to break the rules
I can show you how
Once you catch this feeling, once you catch this feeling🎵
You'll be chillin', chillin', oh
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
🎶Chillin' like a
I really wanna be bad a lot
And I'm giving it my best shot (but it's hard being what I'm not)🎵
(Well if you don't, you're gonna get us caught)
He's right, we gotta stay low-key
Now show us how bad you can be
(Like this?) Yeah, yeah, yeah
🎵(Like this?) Yeah, yeah
(Oh yeah, I think I got this)
(Let's go, I'm ready to rock this)
And I ain't gonna thank you for your help
I think I found the worst in myself
You wanna be cool?🎶
Let me show you how
Need to break the rules
I can show you how
🎶And once you catch this feeling, once you catch this feeling
You'll be chillin', chillin', oh
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain🎵

(Ben humming)
Gil:Hey, man. Hey! Hey, I know you!
Ben:Uh, no. Don't know you, either, man.
Gil:Uh, yeah, you do. Come on, man. Really? Huh? Dude, I'll give you a hint. My dad is quick, slick and his neck... Huh? is incredibly thick.
Ariana:I don't get it.
Gill:Come on, man. I kn-- Huh? Huh. Huh? Huh. (gasps) Oh! You're King Ben! And Princess Ariana!
Jay:Okay, let's go.
Gil:Yeah, yeah, you totally are King Ben, and you're J-Jay, Carlos, Evie. Hey, guys. Oh, Uma's gonna love this! (giggles)

Come on. (mechanical whirring) Wish me luck. All the way up. Good luck. (sighs) (can rattling, air hissing) At least I don't see a picture of me with horns and a pitch fork. Ben. Mal, I'm so sorry about our fight. It was all my fault. It-- Please come home. Mal:Ben, (scoffs) I am home.
Ben:I brought the limo. (chuckles) It's a sweet ride. Mal:(sniffles) I don't fit in, Ben. I really gave it my best shot. And if you think that I can change, I think you're wrong.

Ben:Then I'll change. I'll skip school, have more fun. You know, I-I'll blow off some of my responsibilities.
Mal:No, no! See? I'm such a terrible influence. It's only a matter of time before I do something so messed up that not only does the kingdom turn on me, but they turn on you.
Ben:Don't quit us, Mal.The people love you.(sighs) I love you. Don't you love me?
Mal:I have to take myself out of the picture because it's what's best for you, and it's what's best for Auradon.

Ben:Mal, no, please.
Mal:Ben... I can't do this. You should go, Ben. Ben, please go. Please leave. (inhales sharply)
Evie: So? Where's Mal? -
Ben:She's not coming back.
Evie:What? I'll talk to her.M? Mal, it's Evie. Let me just talk to you for a second. Mal, come on.
Mal:(grunts) Go away!

Jay:Let's give her a couple of hours to cool off.
Carlos:Guys! Where's Ben? And where's Ariana?
Evie:Ben? Ariana! (sighs) Ben, don't scare us like that. Harry:Don't scare you? But that's my specialty.
Jay:What did you do with Ben and Ariana?
Harry:Oh, uh, we nicked him along with your little Princess Mm-hmm. Yeah. And if you want to see them again, have Mal come to the Chip Shoppe tonight. Alone. Uma wants a little visit. Aw, Jay. Seems like you've lost your touch.
Evie:Hey! Jay!
Harry:(laughs) Hey!

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