Chapter 13:Ariana confronts Uma

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[Somewhere on one of Uma's ships Ariana was being held prisoner.She began to wake up and look around confused suddenly Harry and Gil scared her making her scream until Uma appeared in front of her]
Harry:Scared you, didn't we.
Ariana:*inhales,exhales* Yes!
Uma:Nah ah ah boys! That's not how we treat our  very special guest.
Harry:Aw! we were just having fun.
Ariana:By scaring me to death?
Gil:Pretty much,yeah.
[Ariana sighs as Uma looked at her smiling]
Uma:You know,I've always wanted to meet you, even though you're the daughter of my mother's arch nemesis.
Ariana:Really? Me too.
Uma:You look as beautiful as your mother even when she traded her voice to mom for human legs (laughs)
Ariana:That's because she was in love with dad and she desperately wanted to be a human.
Uma:Sometimes I wonder,even though your a princess aren't you in love with a prince or something like that?
Ariana:Not really no,but I do have feelings for a VK
Uma:Interesting, tell me more of this VK boy
Ariana:You promise not to laugh if I tell you his name?
[Ariana suddenly had a dreamy look on her face]
Ariana:His name is Jay,the son of Jafar
[This made Uma walk closer to Ariana]
Uma:A Princess in love with a villain? I've never heard of such a thing.
Ariana:Of course you haven't, and that's not your fault.
Uma:I don't need your little kindness, princess.And I don't blame you, Jay is quite a catch isn't he?
Ariana:He really is.
Uma:Well...What if I could help you with that?
Ariana:With what?
Uma:You telling Jay how really you feel.
Ariana:You can do that?
Uma:If our mother's cooperated with each other then so can we.
Ariana:Well, if it's worth telling Jay how I feel then I have no choice but to trust you, Uma.
Uma:Good, because there's one teeny tiny thing we to discuss.
Ariana:Like what?
Uma:I'll help you confess your feelings for Jay, in exchange for something else other than Fairy Godmother's magic wand.Something like....[Walks closer to Ariana and whispers in her left ear.] Your voice...
Ariana:My voice? I mean, that's kinda accurate but why my voice?
Uma:Well, think about it.If Jay asked you out-
Ariana:But without my voice how can I tell him how I feel?
Uma:You got your pretty face, pretty hair...pretty everything.And I promise you, Jay will love you with or without your voice.
Ariana:Well if I give you my voice, please promise me one thing Uma.
Uma:I'm listening...
[cut to the Carlos and Jay back in Auradon]

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