Chapter 2

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I was walking with Sophie. The schoolyear had just started. I spent all my break thinking about that moment at the lockers. Well... It would be more honest if I said that I had obsessed over it. But I didn't even know why! I mean, if it had been Fitz, I wouldn't have acted like that. So why Jensi. He wasn't special. Arg! It's horrible. I hated myself for thinking about that much. I wasn't even sure what it was.  I just knew it wasn't normal. Why couldn't I be normal just once in my life! That's all I asked for! And maybe for us to beat the Neverseen.

"You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost! Dex? I'm talking to you!"

I snapped out of my thoughts when Sophie tapped my shoulder.

"Huh? Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. i just had a bad night."

"Okay. If you say so."

Biana was waiting for us at the orientation. So were Tam and Linh. Marella came a little after us. The Magnat Leto did his speech and then we parted ways. Sophie was going to her Infliction lesson. The others I didn't know.  

After the first period, I went to the cafeteria for lunch. We ate at our usual table. Then we went to our next class, PE. After that, we all went home.


I saw Jensi take out his home crystal and leap just before the leapmaster activated and I stepped in the beam of light. 

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