Chapter 8

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It went on for weeks. We snuck up to the bathroom and deserted parts of the school during the weekdays and I visited him at his place on the weekends. We never went to Rimeshire because it was way too risky, me having three younger siblings. It was fun and I was happy when I was with him. When it was time for me to go home, it took me everything to leave Jensi. It was like our little honeymoon. When we started to argue, we just stopped the other with a kiss. Sure, it wasn't the healthiest thig to do, but we always forgot the argument soon enough. We could talk and laugh and joke around for hours. It was perfect. A big plus was that the Neverseen were nowhere to be seen. Get it? The Neverseen weren't seen? 

I was in my lab working on a project when my dad knocked.

"I'm busy! Come back later!"

The door opened and I sighed.

"Even for me?"

I turned around. It wasn't my dad. It was Jensi.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you, of course! Aren't you happy to see me?"

I hugged him.

"Of course I'm happy to see you!"

I took the pieces that were on the second chair and made them space on the corner on the table.

"I just thought that I could come here to do my homeworks while you work on whatever you're working on."

"That works for me!"

We sat next to each other and started working. Jensi finished way before me and just watched me assemble pieces. I made me a little awkward but I said nothing. He got up and put his hand on my back. He did slow circles and it gave me a shiver of pleasure. He slowly kissed me in the back of the neck. My hands skook and I dropped the pieces I was trying to assemble.

"I'm trying to work here!"

"You want me to stop?"


I turned around and I kissed him. He backed me up against the table and parts of my new gadgets fell on the ground. But it didn't matter. None of it did. We kissed until none of us had any air left in our lungs. 


My dad.

"I gotta go. See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. For the end of term."


I left the lab with Jensi. I took my dad's hand and we went home.

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