Chapter 13

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Yep, I was in deep shit. I realized that by her expression. It wasn't the pitiful look she usually gave me the last few weeks⁠—or was it months?⁠— but a really annoyed look.

"I know you had the same conversation with Biana, but was is going on with you Dex? I'm worried."

Of course she was. Even though she was part of the Black Swan⁠—and constantly putting herself in danger⁠— my mom was worried as soon as I did something a little bit dangerous. Wich didn't happen that often since the others considered me only as a tech sidekick like the one superheroes have. 

"Look, I don't really want to talk about it. Jensi died because of me. No big deal."

And I really didn't mean that. It pained me so freaking much. But I wasn't going to admit that. I bit back my tears and faced my mom.

"Now, if you don't have anymore questions, I'd like to be alone."

"No. You don't want to. You're hurting and that's normal. I'd be questionning your sanity if you weren't traumatized but you can't be alone. It's part of your grief but if I didn't do my job as a mom and left you alone, you would heal much, much slowly, if not at all. I'm not asking you to forget about Jensi, I'm just proposing that insted of doing nothing all day long, you get up and stop withdrawing from others. Would Jensi want you to be miserable?"

She had a good point. Wich was annoying. I wanted her to be wrong, but I couldn't stand it anymore. I bursted into tears. My mom hugged me tightly while signing an old lullaby. It had been ages since I heard it. After a few minutes, my eyes dried. My throat was irritated and my body felt like candy floss.

"Ok, I'll do it"

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