Chapter 14

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Two years had passed. In those years, I never looked at anyone else. Everytime Sophie or Keefe tried to present me to someone, I felt like I was cheating on Jensi. But I didn't spend my time locked up in my room anymore. I took a stage to become a mentor at Foxfire and I did. I was now teaching alchemy at a bunch of hormonal teens. I made amends, particularly with Biana and she forgave me. They still didn't know about my relationship with Jensi but he passed away and there was no way that I would be the reason people rejected him in his death.

"Sir Dex, wake up"

I groaned. Sir Bubu was looking at me with a harsh look. It took me everything not to talk back.

"Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts."

He looked at me in disbelief. He shook his head and he looked a little⁠—ok, more than a little— mad.

"We are getting a new telepath mentor today. I want you to be on your best note today."

Oh joy, a new little know-it-all telepath in my life, just what I need, I thought. Just on cew, she arrived. She was smaller than I expected. She was barely five feet tall and that was with her blond bun.

"Hi! I'm Shay."

We were at study time, one month after Shay's arrival at school. I was watching the students with Shay and Cadence. A real joy. The telepath came to see me.

"Hey! I'm organising a party at my place thos weekend. Want to come?"

"Uh, sure. Why not?"

She smiled at me with a heart-warming smile that me shiver. I watched her return to her guard post.

It was the weekend. I just arrived at Shay's party. Actually, I had been there for almost three hours and I was already drunk. 

"So... You're a technopath?"

"Yeah. You?"

"I'm a telepath. You know the subject I teach at school?"

"Fuck, sorry, damn."

She laughed. Hell, it was a beautiful soud. It was like crystals clinking together. Light and amazing. We continued talking for about thirty minute. It was awesome. That girl was amazing, of course i already knew that, but phew. Sorry Jensi, I thought. And then I kissed her.

And it was perfect.  

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