Chapter 10

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There I was, in Atlantis, the next day. I went to the restaurant and waited for Jensi. And waited and waited. Two hours after the hour he was supposed to arrive, I knew something was wrong. Jensi was the punctual one. Either he got cold feet or something worse had happened. So I left the restaurant and I went to the entry of the city. Before I arrived, I heard screams and cries. What the fuck was happening? "Shit! What if it was the Neverseen", I thought. I ran the last couple yards. There was a big crowd and I had to force my way to see what was happening. Gisela was there with Vespera. They had hostages and Jensi was one of them. Fuck. 

"What do you want?"

That may have been the dumbest thing I've ever done.

"Well, well. If it's not the little technopath. Where's the rest of the gang?"

"Your son isn't here Gisela. So you can let all these people go! The did nothing wrong."

Honestly, it was a miracle my voice didn't tremble. Seeing Jensi so scared and in danger made my heart ache. 

"Well, what would be the fun in that?"

"You're a psychopath Vespera!"

"It's Lady Vespera."

"Um... I'm pretty sure it isn't. Things changed in the millenia you were imprisoned."

I had to think of a way to free the hostages safely.

"You little..."

"Enough Vespera."

There it was! If I could break the little alliance between them, I could get to the hostages and free them.

"You're going to let her treat you like that? I mean, I saw what you did to Biana. You're not defenseless."

The memory of Biana in the puddle of blood–her blood– with all those shards of glass everywhere–even on her– made me want to throw up.

"Don't listen to him. He's trying to get between us."

"Oh I know. But he's right. You treat me like you attack dog. Wich I. Am. Not."

"Of course you're not. But remember that I can take you to the Concil and I'm pretty sure they would love to lock you up again."

"You're sure? Because you don't have Ruy and she's dangerous", I pitched in.

"The boy is right. I am dangerous. And you're just a brain. You don't have the guts to kill someone."

"Oh please. I would've killed the Vacker girl on the Everest if it wasn't for my son."

"That's not how I remember it. In my souvenirs you stopped her from falling off the montain", I said. 

Wich was true. And Vespera knew it. Everything was going well. I mean, as well as possible given the circumstances. Until it didn't. Vespera took something from the pocket of her cape. I recognized the soporidine gun. She pointed it at the sky and she pulled the trigger. Just before falling down, it exploded in a million of particules. Vespera shot three other doses of soporidine.


But the people didn't need me to tell them to run away from something scary. I put my cape over my head and ran toward the hostages. There was Jensi, a couple, a little girl and her parents. Part of my brain screamed to get Jensi and get out. But the other part pressed me to get evryone out. So I started to cut the cords of the little girl. Then I did the same with the parents. I was going to untie Jensi when my head started to get fuzzy. All I remember was two strong hands pulling me back while I tried to fight to go save Jensi, who passed out.

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