Chapter 3

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Two months had passed since the beginning of school. I was at my locker, minding my own business when Jensi came.

"Hey Dex! How are you?"

I froze for a moment. I mean, I couldn't answer something super cheezy like "I'm super good. Thanks for asking!" Even if it wasn't that cheezy.

"I'm, erm,I'm, I'm fine. You?"

Oh wow, that was not good. But weirdly he started laughing. Why the fuck was he laughing? And damn it, his laugh was so sweet. Not a small chuckle or a snort. No, a genuinely beautiful laugh. Crap, what the fuck was happening to me? I never analysed my friends' laugh like that! Even if tecnically Jensi wasn't my friend. Just an acquaintance.

"I'm fine. A litte tired that's all. And I'm sorry if I offended you. I was not laughing at you. It's just you looked guilty. Like if I caught you stealing something."

"Ha! No, I'm not guilty. Just minding my own business between two classes. Yep. That's it. Well, now, bye!"


For a moment, I met his gaze and it looked like... No, it wasn't that. It couldn't be that. Well... could it? Arg! I had no stupid idea! I heard Sophie talk about it once but it's not possible right? I mean, it's just like a lot of humans have allergies but no elf has that. Except from Sophie... Crap, what if I was like the exception? No, that's stupid. Sophie's DNA is modified. That's why she has allergies. Damn it! I walked away from Jensi, forcing myself to have a normal pace. It would look weird if I ran away. But deep down—not that down—that's what I wanted to do. Run away from the hard truth...

I loved Jensi.

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