Chapter 9

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The next morning, it was the end of term exams. I spent the day trying to talk to Jensi but when he wasn't with his friends, I was with mine. And i couldn't just ditch them, they would suspect something. So I didn't talk to him, I just thought about him. And a lot. The day passed. Then months and months and months and months and suddenly, we were at our graduation. Biana was throwing a party after at Everglen with almost everyone in our year. Marella was invinted, even if she didn't finish the Elite Levels. I mean, she was still our friend! Jensi was invited too. 

I was anxiously waiting in line to get my diploma.

"Dexter Alvin Diznee!"

When Magnat Leto called my name, my family got up and cheered. At the end of the ceremony, we all went to Everglen. Della and the gnomes had cooked for an army of hungry baby goblins. There were drinks too. I spotted Jensi and I walked toward him.


"There you are! I lokked for you everywhere!"

"Yeah, I was just with Linh and Biana."

He took my hand and dragged me to the dance floor.

"No! No dancing! Everything except that!"

He laughed and let me go.

"Next time I won't be that mercyful..."

I blushed hard. Damn he was flirty!


"Hey! Who are you calling a dummy?"

He tickled  me mercilessly.

"Please stoooooop!!!"

"Who's your favorite in the entire world?"

"You! O Jensi!!!"

He stopped and we just laughed together. It was a good thing that there were a lot of people because if it had just been a small thing, our secret would've been discovered. We spent the rest of the night together until I had to go back home.

"Hey! Meet me in Atlantis tomorrow?"

Jensi seemed surprised by my proposition but he didn't say a thing.


"For dinner."

"Okay see you then!"

I had taken my decision, it was too late to back up now. Tomorrow, the world would know about us.

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