A New Challenger

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Location: Atlas Data Storage Facility 

Pov: 3rd 

Two guards stood watch as was their usual job ever since both of them botched up a very important grimm extermination mission, leaving two of their teammates injured. They both sat in their booth at the main gate, leading into some kind of data facility that was too far above their clearance level. But they didn't really complain other than checking in the employees and guards when they came. It was a pretty easy job, one that both of them grew to enjoy until tonight. Two figures unseen by these two guards and the facility's surveillance system were on a rooftop not too far from the building. 

Figure 1: "Not many people at the door, but from the number of people we've seen enter tonight, I'm assuming at least 15 guards 8 employees."

Figure 2: "Doesn't matter how many there is you heard the captain no killing at all you listening Mara?"

The first figure then stood up revealing to be a woman in a lightly armored combat uniform and wore at white and red mask with the design of a grimm on it; she was also a Wolf Fanus with black long hair.  

Mara: "Yeah, I'm listening, and I thought we were not supposed to use our names dumbass go by the codenamed the captain gave us, remember Johen!" 

Johen then stood next to her. He was much taller than her and he had light gray hair he also wore a more armored version of the same outfit she wore and he too was a Wolf Faunus and wore the same mask as Mara's. They then ran to the end of the rooftop and jumped down, leading into an alleyway just down the street from the guards' post. As they landed, two other figures emerged from the darkness of the dark alley 

Figure 3: "My my sure took you two long enough the Captain and I were getting worried you two had chickened out." 

The first figure to emerge was surprisingly a human wearing a dark suit and tie and had short blond hair, but his face was also covered by a mask 

Johan: "If anyone here would run away, it would be you Quinny we Faunus are no cowards unlike you!" 

As the three began to argue between each other, a trashcan flew between the three, and another person appeared, causing the others to stand at attention and cease their argument. 

Figure 4: "What did I say about using your names during the operation? What would happen if someone overheard dammit stick to your codenames!"

As the last figure emerged from her spot in the alley her details came into focus she was a wolf Fanus the same as the two before her but her hair was a long deep red color she wore a uniform close in resemblance to Mara's but there were obvious differences such less armor in certain spots and a large container strapped to her hip containing what looked to be bolts for a crossbow 
The team stood and saluted the newly emerged figure as she walked by them and stood at the entrance of the alleyway and peered around the corner as if to look at the guard station 

Johan: "So captain, what's the plan?" 

Captain: "simply we will go with damsel in distress plan to lure those guards away and once they are dealt with I'll use my crossbow to take out the outer security cameras." 

The other members nodded as the captain pointed at Mara

Captain: " Now remember codenames only got it remember then team Mara your ash Johan your silver and Quinney your bronze and mine is cobalt." 

Quinney: "Oh, captain, must I be such an awful color, couldn't we come up with a better name for someone like myself? How's about a brilliant diamond or shimmering star both I think would fit me well?"  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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