Chapter 5

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Title: father's day (part 1)

Another morning

Another day

Oh what might happen

Since yesterday

Was not too great

Well Mido got a friend indeed

And that might be a happy thing

Even though the friend he has

Is someone old and loud

But something that will happen now

Is something you won't get so often

So what will happen now

Dear author?

But author here will not be me

Surprise indeed

Then who might it be?

The chapter will be made by them

A friend of mine

While I will write

Because I'm a devil sent by satan

Who loves to see how you all cry

So this will happen on Father's Day

But oh no

Izuku doesn't have a father 

Izuku only has a mother

So he has to find another way

His mother was his "father" for very long 

And might be in the future too

But today she had a trip to her friend

Which would last till the end of the day

So it's either celebrate by himself

And cry all night

And cry all day

Or have to call..

His very 


....good friend :]

Let's go~


Izuku POV

  As the sun rose, my room became hotter than it was before. Summer wasn't even here, why on earth would it be hot?! All of a sudden the cold air was gone, and it was finally the time to wake up. I opened my eyes for them to be revealed to the blinding sun. Stupid of me to even look at it. Of course, it made me close my eyes shut, as I began reaching to close them with my hands as a reflex, only endings up making myself fall out of the bed. My body was now on the floor, as I felt a bruise forming on my hip. Stupid me.


  I finally stood up when I was freed from the blanket. And the sudden thought of what happened yesterday hit me. It make me smirk, snort, laugh, or maybe even smile a little. I never really had someone to talk to before. So a change like this.. was something to admire. 

  I looked at my phone. It was 9:57am, the perfect time for anyone's  brain to wake them up. Especially on a Saturday... Luckily, mom was still asleep, and didn't wake up from the sound of a body hitting the floor. We will totally get robbed if she never wakes up. 

  I unlocked my phone, going straight into the contacts I had. And there weren't a lot.. just.. mom.. and Mic's number... Yeah. I am not such a social person, and with the fact that I am quirkless everything just.. hurt. 

    Anyways. As I was renaming Mic's number to his actual name, a notification popped up from my calender, revealing "Father's day!!" 

  I sighed, closing the phone and putting it on my bed, as I sat near it. I placed my arms on my face, as they went for my hair, thinking about everything once again.. all at once. Taking a deep breath in, and letting all the anger air out. 

  I didn't have a dad. Well, I do have a dad, but mom says that he is overseas, working. I actually don't believe any of that bull, I just think that he either died or left us. And I know that he would have done the same once he realized how useless his son is. He probably left because I was born. But it doesn't matter anymore.. I can't control the past. 

  My mother replaced my father, and played the role of two parents. Basically almost any single parent family has to do. She never thought about dating, and was loyal to the person who was on a"business trip". Dumb bitch.

  But all of a sudden , today the house was not surrounded by blue balloons and a cake on the table, like a birthday but we are basically celebrating my dad, today there was nothing. There was no snoring,no smell of breakfast cooking, just the food on the table. 

  Near it was a note.

  Izuku bunny, I'm so sorry. I need to go to Auntie Mitsuki! She broke up with her husband and is in need of my help! I will be gone for two days, if more, I left a lot of money in the safe. You know the password to it, but if you don't, it's on the other side of the paper just in case! I'm so sorry, AND on Father's Day... So sorry..  

I sighed. I was used to someone leaving me. It's not common, but common... Yeah the usual shit. 

  As I finished my breakfast, I looked at the clock. It was now almost 11am. Nothing was planned for me today... I was alone.. so all I did was go to my room. I wrapped myself with my blanket and layed backing bed facing the wall. Thoughts ran though my head, as my brain decided to turn around, only for my eyes to notice.. him. The him. Present Mic... I mean.. he isn't my dad but, why not thank him?

  I checked his show's schedule for today. Turns out on the weekends he now does his show at 7pm-9pm. This time it will be on the TV, since he has an interview. 

  This is perfect!

  I thought, as I quickly opened my computer and started.. not stalking, more analysing the hero's likings and what he got. Turns out he likes rock bands! But a ticket is something he could buy himself. He is a hero, after all... What about.. 

  my eyes lit up as I saw it. It was beautiful, and didn't cost much, since it was used before. So shiny.. so colorful.. so brand new looking, yet so old! I searched it up to see that it was an old brand, and that all were sold out on the day when it got published. Perfect!

  I smiled as I took my credit card out with all my UA highschool savings, which I would no longer need. I bought the guitar, and express delivery. So it should arrive in 4 hours. But until that, I want to sleep. 

(So I actually wanna do their conversation on a different chapter sorhat I know it is completely more that 1k words. Without a poem. Alright?ok!)

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