Chapter 9 - training camp (part 2)

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The first day of the training camp and I'm so excited. I will admit though I'm still pretty scared after what happened last night with Asahi and the others, but I ignore it and start to get ready for the day.

We all got into the gym and stood around waiting for Ukai to finish speech, "I want you all to do recieves until you are physically sick" I heard Suga, Tanakacand Kageyama mumble something about Hinata to I nudged Tanaka

"What did you mean when you were talking about Hinata?"

"Oh yeah you weren't here for that were you" I shake mychead and Suga Continued

"Well before Kageyama and Hinata could play together we gave the extra training before a practice match"

"Oh yeah Tadashi told me about how they were the ones who knocked the vps toupee off of his head" Suga laughed and said

"Yes well they have private practice before we all had regular practice so one day when I walked into the gym they were doing recieves and well Hinata got to the point where he threw up all over the floor" I couldn't help but giggle which was a big mistake because Coach Ukai heard he look at me and said

"And it looks like we have our first person to start off todays training, Aski you'll start the receiving drills"

"Shit" I mentally scolled myself, well it was my fault for giggling while coach was trying to explain how the trying camp was going to go. Coach gins and says "this is your fault Charlotte, you shouldn't of laughed"

"Well Tanaka and Suga were all i did was laugh" I told him as I walked to the middle of the court

"I only heard you so you are put first"

"I'm not complaining anyway"

"Good" coach threw a ball at me and I received it perfectly, I did this with 10 balls kiyoko said

"That's 10" after I was finished i watched the others practice, while they were doing so I walked over the second years and spoke to them, Ennoshita said

"Coach has a hard decision to make" I look at him

"What do you mean" Kinoshita said

"Well we have 2 setters don't we"

"Yeah" Ennoshita looks back to to court and at Kageyama and Suga

"Coach has to pick how he wants to be the setter" a look back at the court towards Kageyama and Suga thinking which one should be the setter  said

"It should be Suga" all three of them look at me while I continue "it should be him because he is a third year and he should has all of the seniority, so it has to be him" the three second years agreed with me and got ready to go out for our run.

Ukai's P.O.V

"Time to run some laps guys!" I said to them as I jumped off the table, they said,

"Yes sir" I watched all of them put their shoes when I heard Kageyama say

"Pick up the pace dude" I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. I watched them leave, I smiled to myself when Takeda said,

"They sure are full off energy, they even practice during lunch" I walked over to my water bottle and had a drink too cool myself down, I replied

"Yeah I noticed that too, Kageyama gets started early doesn't he" Takeda looked at me as I took a drink and said

"Right... and Hinata has been doing the same thing. He said he needs to do that here cause he's not going over the mountains likd he used to" I looked at with tired expression

"The mountains, huh" I looked back at the door "that will explain all that stamina" there was an uncomfortable silence in the gym, until Takeda broke it and said

"On a different note, are you having some trouble on choosing the starters?" I grip my water bottle, I sigh and reply

"Well just the setter... I'm stuck... if we're talking about raw power its gotta be Kageyama... But you've got Sugawara whose built up experience for playing along side the ace ever since his first year"

"But still Kageyama's got more than enough talent right out of the gate to make up for all of that" I walk onto the side of the court and pick up a volleyball and continued "then again Sugawara's been around for a while so he's probably already got the trust of his team mates" I grip the ball when Takeda said,

"But thats not really the heart of the issue is it.... so could it be that your having trouble deciding because Sugawara's a third year" my eyes widen and I almost drop the ball "your last year in high school is special, I can see why you would want to take that into account" I don't answer him, then I hear him panic

"I-I'm sorry, I think I'm over stepping" I sigh and answer him

"No... your probably right" I looked down and said "you know... when I was in high school the only time I got to be in the starting line up was when the official setter, who was younger than me got hurt... then I was angry that I never got the opportunity for 3 whole years" I looked at the ball in my hands

"But now as a coach even a temporary one. I shouldn't be thinking like a player" I look at the court "it's not right" I pick up another ball

"But there is another issue"

"It's Charlotte isn't is coach" I look at him and nod

"Yeah, she can play any position you put her in but her main position is a wing spiker, so I have to pick the setter she bonds with"

"It'll depend on the setter you pick"

"Yeah... I figured something out"

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