Chapter 12 - The same Number

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The final day of camp had arrived and like normal we were practicing our serves, just making them go over the net, I did my serve and it nearly hit Hinata in the face, "I'm so sorry Hinata" he smiled and said

It's okay Charlotte, your serve is really strong"

"Thank you my brother taught me how to serve so I guess I picked it up from him" I smiled sweetly at him making him blush, I went to pick up my ball when I heard Kiyoko talk to Takeda

Kiyoko's P.O.V

I walked into the gym with the box of uniforms for our team, I have to admit I was a little excited to see everyone in them. I saw Takeda with volleyballs in his arms I said "sir" he turned to me and said

"Huh? Are they ready?"

"Yes, alterations are finished and they have been cleaned, here you go" I handed them too him and went to the side to fill up everyone's water bottles.

Charlotte's P.O.V

I walked over to where Takeda and coach Ukai were standing, Ukai said "okay here are your uniforms, even if you aren't playing wear them with pride" each one of us was given our uniforms I hadn't looked at mine yet. I was just about to pull it out when I heard

"Whoa! Just like I saw on TV!" I giggled at Hinata's reaction then I noticed that Noya was already in his uniform Hinata said "Hey why is Noya the only one with an orange one?" He laughed and said

"Because im the star, jeez shouldn't that be obvious by now"

"The star! Cooool!" I heard Kageyama say

"You are such a dumbass" I said

"Hey don't call him that" I looked bsck at Hinata and said "the reason why he is wearing a different colour, is because the Libero goes on and off of the court during a game-" I got interrupted by Kageyama

"So it makes it easier to keep a track of him" Hinata got all flustered and said

"I-I know that everyone does" I smile at him

"It's okay Hinata, not everyone does" he smiled and noticed that Kageyama's number was one number higher than his he said

"HEY HIS ONE NUMBER HIGHER THAN MINE!" which we all knew Hinata would say Kageyama said

"We're only first years, you should be happy that we get uniforms at all" I smiled at them then looked at my uniform which was still folded up, Hinata said

"Huh? Charlotte you haven't looked at your uniform" I smiled softly

"I know, I was just about to look" everyone turned towards me and Suga said

"I wonder what number you are Charlotte" Tsukishima said

"She'll be 13, the number after Tadashi" I took a deep breath and pulled out my jersey....

I stared atcit for a few moments before hugging it and tearing up Hinata said

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I stared atcit for a few moments before hugging it and tearing up Hinata said

"Huh? 16, shouldn't her jersey be 13" I smiled at my jersey and ran my fingers over it

"The jersey number 16... was my brothers number" I hugged the jersey and teared up more and whispered "I'll make you proud Ariza I promise" I looked at Hinata's jersey and giggled

"Whats so funny"

"You haven't realised that your jersey is the same as the tiny giants, his number was 10" Hinata went crazy saying that it was his destiny I laughed at his reaction and looked bsck at my jersey.

Tadashi came over to me and smiled "you really are like your ther aren't you" I looked at him and said

" what do you mean"

" your on his old team and wearing his jersey number"

"Yeah I guess I am" that night before I went to bed I stared at my jersey when I heard

"Charlotte is something wrong" I looked up and saw Suga, I smiled at him and nodded

"I'm fine Suga, I'm just thinking"

"Thinking about what"

"Just that I may not be playing tomorrow, but that doesn't mean I should give up hope, who knows maybe you and I will get to play"

"I hope so too"

"And about what I said before to you"


"I'm sorry"

"It's okay Charlotte, I forgive you" I smiled sweetly at him and saw that he was blushing

"Do you w-want to sit next to each other on the bus?"

"Sure I'd love too" he smiled. Just before I went to sleep that night I took one last look at my jersey and smiled before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

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