Chapter 1 - The boys team

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Well, I guess it all starts here, my brother Ariza came here four years ago and now its my turn to add another Aski to the school records.

My brother and I love volleyball, he was the one who taught me how to play when I was only three years old. Back when I was in middle school I was known as the 'secret weapon' it was because I am a lot shorter than my brother, he is 198cm tall while I am only 158cm tall, so being picked on for my height is annoying, and yes I am a wing spiker and middle blocker.

So here I am, standing in front of Karasuno high school taking it all in, and all I can think of is joining the volleyball team. I have to wait until lunch now because the bell is about to go off, so I better make my way inside now.

Okay so the first thing to do is find my classroom, which is class 1 – 5, which just happens to be right in front of me, I make my way in and sit in a chair that is beside the window when the teacher comes in and starts the lesson. I happen to be incredibly good at English so I did not really pay that much attention, until we hear the principle say over the intercom "would miss C Aski please make her way to my office please" I stood up and make my way to the office.

The only thing that was going through my head was ''I haven't done anything wrong, so why have I been called to the office on my first day'' and what made it worse was that the bell went off to tell everyone that class was over "okay just my luck now everyone is going to think that I've done something wrong great" I think to myself. I knock on the door and enter the office. I sit down and the principle starts to talk,

"hello Charlotte Aski, you haven't done anything wrong, so don't worry, I've just called you here to discuss volleyball" my ears prick up at the mention of volleyball, so I reply,

"I will be able to play it right?" he chuckles and says,

"of course, you will, I can't have the sibling of our once great ace not on the volleyball team can I"

"I suppose not"

"however, you're not going to be on the females team Charlotte" my eyes widen at this

"I'm sorry what!"

"now the female volleyball team is full, that their captain has had to turn some applicants away"

"so, what does this mean for me"

"because of your ability and skills, you gained from your brother, my only option is to put you on the boys volleyball team" I could not believe this, I was going to be on the boys volleyball team. I looked up at him and spoke

"is this even allowed?, I mean a girl being on a boys team" he looks at me and nods

"yes it is allowed, don't worry Charlotte I've told the adviser of the club that there will be a female joining them, so you don't need to worry"

"easy for you to say, I'm the one playing with them" after our conversation he let me go. I made my way back to class thinking about what just happened and how the boys are going to react when they find out that I am their newest member of the team. Well, there is only one way to find out, go to the practice tonight. 

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