Chapter 13 - the bus ride

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Well today is the day of the trash can show down and I can't wait because I get to sit next to Suga on the bus. "The sweet amazing Sugawara Koshi" I think to myself wait why did I just think that! Strange... anyway when I wake up in the morning I go to thd bathroom and get ready in my volleyball uniform. I stop and look at myself in the mirror and smile, I heard Daichi chuckle "Charlotte, thd bus is here"

"I'm coming Daichi" I smiled, I picked up my stuff and ran to the bus, I saw Suga and went up to him

"Hey Suga, I can still sit next to you right?" He looks at me and smiles

"Yeah! Of course it is"

"Thank you Suga, oh do you mind if I sit next to the window?" I asked him

"Sure that's fine with me Charlotte" he smiles, my cheeks felt a little warm but I pushed thst aside and smiled back

"Thank you Suga your the best" I smiled brightly and made my way onto the bus. I find a seat in the middle of the bus and wait for Suga to get on the bus.

Suga's P.O.V

I smiled softly to myself at I watched Charlotte get on to the bus. I looked at Daichi to find him smiling "what" I asked him, he just kept on smiling "what's wrong Daichi?" I asked him he said

"You and Charlie seem pretty close"

"What do you mean Daichi?" I questioned him

"You both have been together for this training camp"

"Yeah, I guess we have huh"

"I just winder if there was anything going on with you and her" my eyes widened

"What! Of course not, she and I are just friends" I walk away from him and get onto the bus.

When I got onto the bus I looked for Charlotte, I saw her wave and call out

"Hey Suga over here" she smiled brightly, I couldn't help but smile back at her

"she is so cute when she smiles" wait why do I keep thinking of stuff like that, I shake my head and walk over to her and sit down.

Charlotte's P.O.V

I smiled as Sugs sat down next to me and asked "what took you so long Suga?"

"Oh sorry Daichi and I were talking" he said as he rubbed the back of his neck

"That's okay you don't have to apologise" I smiled sweetly at him, I noticed he blushed and I giggled.

We started to head to the match when Suga said "are you excited for your birthday Charlotte" I looked at him and nodded my head

"Yes I sure am, I can't wait" he chuckled at my response and said

"What is the one thing you could have for your birthday" I thought about this for a moment then I said

"What I would really love for my birthday is for my brother to come home from America, and spend my birthday with me"

"Will he come home do you think?" I take out my phone and shake my head

"No... the last time I spoke to him he said no, because of he course" I gave Suga my phone so he could read the messages

 the last time I spoke to him he said no, because of he course" I gave Suga my phone so he could read the messages

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Suga's P.O.V

I read through the messages on her phone and saw that she was tearing up, I gave her phone back to her and hugged her, my shoulder started to get wet but I didn't care. I needed to comfort her. "I know your upset, so just let it all out" she cringed fo my shirt and cried

"I'm sorry, I'm crying over something silly aren't I" I shook my head

"No your not, you love your brother and I can see that you do, so of course you'll be upset about it and that's okay" I smiled softly

"Thank you Suga"

"Your welcome"

After that we spoke a little more when I felt something on my shoulder I looked over and saw that Charlotte had fallen asleep I couldn't help but blush "oh my god she is asleep on  my shoulder! she looks so cute when she sleeps" why do I keep thinking these things, I really need to stop.

I look at her again and smile softly, I remove some hair from infront of her face and let her sleep for the rest of the ride.

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