Chapter 7

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When we got home, Romeo and Cruz both came over to ask if Luke wanted to go over to their house. Luke went, so me and Michelle decided to watch some random girly shows together. But not fashion shows, because when your mom is a fashion designer, she makes you watch fashion shows all the time. Trust me.

Anyways, after we were finished watching random shows, I went up stairs, removed my makeup, got in the shower, and when I got out changed into my pajamas. Then I heard my mom and Michelle talking downstairs, and my dad was already in his bedroom, I'm guessing watching a soccer game.

Since everyone was busy, I walked to my secret room at the end of the hall. I opened the locked door with the key I had, and went in. I already had saw it, but the size of the room took my breath away once again, the second time I saw it.

"Mackenzie, come down here when your done, please." My mom yelled up the stairs.

I stuck my head out the door, and responded, "I'm coming, I'm just putting my hair in a ponytail."

I then stepped out of the bedroom, locked the door, and as I got in the elevator, I quickly threw my hair up in a messy ponytail. Then as I was on the main floor again, I walked into the T.V room where my mother and Michelle were.

"What's up?" I asked, sitting down on the couch next to Michelle.

"Nothing. Just my new store opens tomorrow, and I would appreciate it, if you would visit." My mom said, kind of asking us to come, at least I think she was.

"Yeah, sure. What time?" Michelle asked.

"Around 10:30. The ribbon cutting is at 10:30, so I want you to be there for that." My mom said. Then she started to walk away to her bedroom. All of a sudden she stopped. "Oh, and girls..." She said, looking back at us. "Please dress up and look nice."

"We will mom, don't worry. Goodnight." I said.

"Goodnight girls." My mom said, as she walked away to her bedroom which was on the main floor.

I turned to Michelle. "What would you think mom would do if I showed up like this?" I joked, talking about my pajamas and messy ponytail.

"I think she would freak." Michelle said, giggling.

"I think so too!" I said, agreeing with Michelle.

"I think that one Beckham boy likes you... What's his name again?" Michelle asked.

"I don't know." I said as my face got red. I did know his name. Brooklyn. Brooklyn Joseph Beckham. But i wouldn't dare say that, because being like "oh his name is Brooklyn Joseph Beckham" would have been a really stalker-ish thing to say, and Michelle never would have let me live it down, so I decided to play the 'I don't know his name, but I really do' game.

"You do know his name. I know you do." She said, smirking and looking at me.

"I don't!" I said.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I think something like Brandon or something i don't know." I said, lying right to Michelle's face.

"Fine. I'll find out myself." She said, standing up from the couch.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it." She said, starting to run to the elevator.

I got up and chased after her, except I took the stairs. Bye the time I got to the 3rd floor, Michelle was already out on the balcony at the end of the hall, and I was already out of breath. As I examined what she was doing, I realized she was yelling to the end of the hall balcony on the Beckham's house.

"Hey little boy." She yelled at Brooklyn, who was sitting on the balcony, it looked like he was doing some homework.

"Oh god. No no no no!" I thought to myself as Michelle yelled it one more time.

Finally Brooklyn looked up after being called a little boy, 2 times by my sister. How embarrassing.

"What?" He yelled back, in his cute British accent.

"What's your name?" Michelle yelled back to him. I stood back, so that Brooklyn wouldn't see me in my pajamas with my hair all messy.

"Brooklyn." He yelled back.

"Okay, thanks." Michelle said, as she walked back into the hallway, and shut the doors that lead out to the balcony.

"you do realize that he's only a year younger than you." I said, as we were walking to our rooms.

"Oh really? I thought he was like 14. I didn't know he was 16!" Michelle said.

"So now do you feel stupid for calling him 'little boy'?" I asked, hoping for her to say yes.

"Hell no. I'm Michelle. And I do whatever I want." She said, about to open her door.

"You sound just like me." I joked, as we both opened our doors and walked into our bedrooms.

Finally, it was time for bed. And I could finally go to sleep for the first time only new house.

As I had been laying in bed, I realized that Michelle didn't lock the balcony doors, she just shut them.

I started to get a little concerned, before I convinced myself she locked them, and everything was okay, and drifted off to sleep.

We're the same. (Brooklyn Beckham fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now