Chapter 23

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That night, I said my goodbyes to my family and acted as if I was going to bed. But when I was laying in bed, I just couldn't to to sleep. I was overthinking. About me. About Maggie. About Brooklyn.

I got up and quietly opened my door. Then I walked towards the balcony. I looked to the right, where our soccer field was. We shared it with the Beckham family, since it was so huge and was on both of our property.

It was 12:46am, so I think it was safe to say no Beckham kids would be out there.

"I put a ladder in case you ever wanted to sneak out." A voice said from the ground.

I looked down to see Brooklyn looking up at me.

"What are you doing still awake?" I whispered down to Brooklyn.

"Oh please, Beckham kids never sleep!" Brooklyn smiled up at me when he said that. "And apparently... Neither do the King kids. I like your last name... By the way."

I laughed. Except Michelle and Luke were already sleeping... I know because there is no light at all coming from either of their rooms.

"Now come down here!" Brooklyn said.

I started to climb down the long ladder. I was scared, because last time when I had to climb a rope... I fell.

But not this time... Since I had a ladder. I finally made it to the bottom and stepped onto the nicely-cut grass.

"So why are you even down here?" Brooklyn asked, laughing.

"Because I was going to the football field to clear my head. What about you?" I asked.

"Same. Except I was coming down to look at the stars." He said, looking up at the stars.

I started laughing. And it wasn't just a giggle... It was like... Full blown laughing.

"What's so funny?" Brooklyn asked.

"It's just weird that me... The girl... Is going to the football field... And you... The boy... Are 'looking at the stars'." I said, trying to contain my laughter, even though I couldn't help but giggle.

"You're funny, Kenz." Brooklyn said, smiling at me.

"I get that a lot." I smiled, joking around with him.

"I'm sure you do." He said, as he put his arm around me, and kissed me on the cheek.

We walked to the soccer field, which I call football around the Beckham's... And grabbed one of the soccer balls that was sitting there.

"Mackenzie?" Brooklyn said, breaking the silence as we were passing the ball back and forth.

"Yeah?" I asked, as I kicked it back to him.

He looked like he was nervous.

"Who died?" I asked.

For some reason every time somebody starts with my name, then act nervous, they are about to tell me somebody died.

"Nobody died. It's just that." He looked at the soccer ball. "I love you."

I was surprised. I mean yes I've been told people love me, by lots of people... But not Brooklyn.

"Oh." I said surprised, which made him look up with worry. "I love you too!" I quickly said.

He then hugged me and kissed me on the forehead.

"I've cleared my mind, now what's on yours that you can't go to sleep?" He asked.

"Nothing now." I said, as I looked up and smiled at him.

We're the same. (Brooklyn Beckham fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now