Chapter 12

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We watched a lot of movies, ate a lot of junk food, and talked a lot. Honestly, I forgot Brooklyn was even there, because I was talking to Maggie the whole time.

"When do you leave Mags?" I asked.

"3 months." She said.

"Oh my god! Are you serious?" I said, getting excited.

"Yeah, and I'm staying with you. Your parents already said it was fine!" She said.

"Yay!" I said, as I hugged her. I was so so so excited.

"How long have you been friends?" Romeo asked.

"Forever." Luke said. I rolled my eyes... But he wasn't exactly wrong. I mean, me and Maggie have been friends for pretty much... Ever.

It was getting late, so the Beckham boys decided to get home. I showed Maggie her room, and she unpacked.

I went over to the balcony, and went on it, just to get some air before bed. Brooklyn was on his house's balcony too. He waved to me. I waved back.

"Have a goodnight, Brooklyn." I yelled across to him.

"You too, Mackenzie." He said.

For some reason, it made me happy that he responded. It made me feel... Special.

I walked back into my house and shut and locked the balcony doors.

"There's something your not telling me about him. Is he your boyfriend?" Maggie asked. She scared me and I jumped.

"God Mags, don't do that." I said, trying to catch my breath because I was still shaken up from her scaring the crap out of me.

"Answer the question Mackenzie." She said, walking closer to me.

"We aren't dating." I said. "Now go to sleep, we might have to wake up early for something my mom has planned, she always had stuff planned."

Maggie laughed. She knew my mom always had random things planned. Maggie knew my mom very well. My mom was like Maggie's second mom. And it's always been like that.

"Goodnight Mags." I said, opening my bedroom door as she opened hers.

"Goodnight Mrs. Beckham." She joked.

"So not funny, Maggie." I said, rolling my eyes and getting irritated.

I walked into my room and shut the door. Then I fell back on my bed. It had been a long day, and I was tired.

Mackenzie Beckham. Cute. Wait no. Not cute. What's going on with me? I'm not falling for Brooklyn... Am I?

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