Chapter 23: The device sounded!

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Chapter 23: The device sounded!

Hello, my name is Mirand Perri, and Vanilla Network are in Moscow, Russia has just found out that restaurants, supermarkets and every food area has been raided by the infamous duo, Skelitato.

2 days later

"We still got no sign of Skelitato", officer G said frowning and shook his head slightly.

Vanilla and I waited in the same discussion room as George, Officer G and his highest commander, Willow Froster. I had the special device on my hands which I checked almost every minute to see if their would be any directory map out directing us to where Potato and Skeliton were.

Officer G looked straight at us and then at the device and asked, " were there signs of Skelitato?"

I switch on the device and took a glance.

The answer was no. Shaking my head in disappointment.

"We are so sorry about it." I said to officer G, George and Willow Froster.

"Its okay. It's not your fault. It's getting late, I think you girls get back first. We will settle this by ourselves.

Vanilla and I then walked away with small and soft footsteps.

Suddenly the device sent out a' beep' sound. I rolled my eyeballs down to the device as beads of perspiration started to form on my foreheads. A chill then went down my spin when I shiver. My shaky hands moved up, closer to my face as I brighten the device to look at the words clearly. I rubbed my eyes and gave the device to officer G and the rest to see, without any words coming out from my mouth.

Officer G lowered his head and grabbed the device from me, sensing happiness and elation in him.

POV of Officer G:

A spark of hope warmed up inside me when I heard the beep sound coming from the device. I waited for awhile for the device to be passed over to me.

The waiting for that to happen felt as thought it was 15 min even thought it was only less than a minute. I felt so anxious. This was the only hope where I can find Skelitato. The best, fastest and reliable way.

I'm sorry about that the story has not been updated until now.
This will be a really short chapter. As I want to keep you in suspense to see if they could actually find skelitato as there is also a 2nd series :)) Hope you like it and would vote for it. Please comment for some advice where I can improve for this story :D thanks!

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