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A little documentary about Harlow's life

"Obviously you was born in Brazil, what was it like where you grew up?"

"My parents and I grew up in the poor part of Rio. My father had two jobs and my mum had one while looking after me. We didn't have much food and our house, well I can't really say it was a house but, it was very small and cold. You never knew what could happen to you overnight..
But a few years later is became harder with my two younger brothers, my mother had to get another job. I had to look after my brothers while my both parents worked two jobs,"

"How hard was it? Looking after your brothers at a young age. Not knowing what could happen to you and your family? It must have been scary for you"

"Yeah it was scary, I couldn't sleep much as I was worried about my family. Looking after my brothers, I mean I didn't have a choice but they weren't that hard to handle,"

"Moving to England, how did that come around?"

"My parents just had enough of me and my brothers living up like that. They manage to contact a family member and they got us tickets and we got to England. A new start in my life,"

"How was it growing up? Lando Norris being one of the first people you met here, and you getting into karting"

"It was strange because it was completely different from what I was use to in Brazil. I met Lando through school and then got on really well for our love for karting.
I joined karting with Lando and yeah I don't know what I would do without it now because it got me to where I am,"

"Obviously, your brothers passing took a big turn in your life.."

"Yeah, um they died through brain cancer that we didn't know they had until it was too late. They both died side by side only 10 years old..."

"The number on your car is very close to you, can you explain it?"

"My brothers passed away on the 10th of May.  As you know May is the 5th month and I just added them together and that's how we got to the number 15. They will always be with me while I'm driving,"

"Having a amazing season so far with Red Bull, what do you want to achieve?"

"All I can do is my best but to win my home was in Brazil will be special, I will never forget about it if I do,"

"Whole of Brazil will be behind you that race! Thank you Harl, have a great rest of the season!"

"Thank you!"

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